Stop backcapping during av weekend

from now on every time there is an AV weekend i’ma be backcapping just for you BB. seems like the play.

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first how did you embed a gif. and second, fun is indeed not allowed. how dare someone trying to attempt this.

All botters play DKs. We aren’t allowed to share state secrets with DKs.

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good to know, too bad i’m not a botter though. but its not like these secrets would make my life any better than it already is.

TL3 can do gifs and stuff. You’re 2.

Easiest way to see your level is at the main forums screen. Do you see “Lounge”? You’re TL3.

Here’s the post explaining it (and more).

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I see trust level. just a member. how unfortunate. Appreciate the assist. maybe one day right?

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If i can make TL3 anyone can.


yeah, not sure how that is achieved. which is why i replied back to the person i asked. appreciated the assist though.

I was TL3 the past few weeks and the mods just downgraded me. LOL. Guess they don’t like when I mock the inept Classic team clowns.

So since you played both factions. What in your opinion, leads to more alliance wins? Just me, but i’m not buying the “map imbalance” argument alone - even if it is slightly in favor of one side. From my experience Horde loses more than they should - even if it’s most of the time.

TIL I am trust level three.

The lounge is boring and half the front page threads are by one poster.

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I have a theory that the faction with longer queues tryhards more overall. Currently Alliance have longer queues. In classic when horde had 1hr queues they had a 90%+ winrate.
Just a theory though.

A small winrate difference isnt worth much xp/honor in the big picture

Classic was the map.

Map was a factor, but it had more to do with how hard each team was trying than any of the regularly cited reasons. Map advantage was a thing, but you cant pin a 95% winrate on it alone.

Alliance could never push horde back during a classic turtle game, most were AFK or trying to figure a way to get out of the turtle. Horde players used consumes regularly, alliance with insta queues never did.

No shot.

Was A factor??

You mean us trading SHGY for IBGY then the fact horde rezed right next to IBGY at their cave 20 at a time while alliance rez’d 10 at a time 2 minutes away from IBGY???

Who do you think is going to always be able to retake IBGY???

The faction that has the best graveyard in the game sitting right next to it or the faction that has to now run 2+ minutes back to it to reinforce it?

You literally kill any alliance on each assault of trying to retake IBGY and they are literally gone from the game basically.

Yall really be trying to brush it off as if it wasnt entirely the map.

i played both factions and i never saw any horde use consumes and i didnt use consumes.

It was always “Take SHGY then back cap IBGY and win”.

Literally every game.

The way i see it now. The map is relatively balanced. It’s impossible to be perfectly. But not awful. I’m still curious in other people’s opinion, what makes alliance so much better in AV.

You know what’s even more fun to do in AV…

i only really have time for a bg here and there these days anyway. I think i’m gonna transfer some of my toons to alliance to see what it’s like on the other side when I can.

AV only exposes a part of how stupid horde can be. Now I’m playing the smaller BGs. Holy Cow.

Nothing, it’s just better honor/exp per hour for both sides to race and in that scenario horde ends up with high loss rate. With the changes in TBC particularly adding reinforcements the map is indeed relatively balanced.

And yeah given how big the map is it’ll never really be balanced unless they just mirror the sides. Don’t know why blizzard refuses to just randomize the starting locations though, any pretense of maintaining horde vs alliance aesthetic went out the window with same faction BG’s anyways.