good thing I’m a feral druid with invis, but man! to be honest that is the fun part imagine them camping us the whole time and I was like on prowl for like 2 hours waiting for at least one of them to separate and then I pop up! I don’t know… to me I really enjoyed I’m level 60 but my war mode is still on. well I guess my solution is try to have fun dude!
I wish something was done about it just because it’s not really enjoyable. I want to PvP, I think these big skirmishes are enjoyable. The problem is that it’s never actually a big skirmish most of the time (or from my experience hasn’t happened at all). When the CTA quests for Nazjatar were up, I’d go there and try and join a group as there were usually actual skirmishes as everyone wanted to do the quest.
I mean I’ve tried forming groups, no one wants to join hardly ever so nothing ever gets done. Feels awful that I have to disable something I want to participate in and go out of my way just to go back into it because everyone else complains instead of actually working together. Just wanna wpvp man.
From the one time I actually was able to get a group to do that they did exactly that right now
Yeah, I think it’s pretty safe to say most of them aren’t there for a real fight, as is the case with most portal campers. Monkey see monkey do.
Huh? You can literally just turn off warmode. Go do that.
looks like someone is in whinemode.
Where are your horde army now, hmm? HMM?
Seriously though, if you don’t want to deal with it, turn WM off and walk away.
Ah, the horde tears… /sip
Busy running in 1v15 and refusing to group up to fight back.
Pretty much the definition of wow pvp regardless of faction. Why I got sick of it and when war mode came out I switched it off and been better for it. No reward is worth putting yourself in a position to have your game time compromised by children (or children minded)
The only contention I have for this thread is the goofs that think the Alliance are the only jerks and horde are wonderful honorable players in pvp.
It’s more that they want to maximize their ve’nari rep.
I remember lol
Welcome to what it was like playing Alliance in BFA lol, and you know what Alliance did? They just turned off warmode and didn’t complain about it.
LOL I just love the crying from the Horde now being as they say farmed in Warmode…years back during WoD I belong too a Alliance group that would go after horde as a group in battle grounds…well we started to go after the Horde on a PVP realm over by Raid Entrance to the first Raid of WoD…and ohhh boy the crying that came from the Horde then.
They were posting on the forums to make the entrance too Highmaul a sanctuary are so we couldn’t attack them, for weeks they kept crying, well Blizzard listened to the Horde and changed how you could get your kills for one PVP achievement to kill each race and class, you couldn’t do it in raid group but only in party of 5…haha that didn’t stop our group not one bit we worked around it and got all our kills.
See when the shoe is on the other foot and goes up against the Horde seems Blizzard listens too them and puts in a fix but if the Alliance cries the same foul nothing is done.
Just like Wintergrasp flight points for Horde and Alliance, they horde could of the fishing Daily of Dalarn during LK right from their base FP with protection of the guards with no fear of being ganked …but the Alliance had to move out of the FP area and guards to use that one water hole to do that fishing daily, well I got tried of Horde trying to gank me while fishing and I found a spot on the back of Wintersgrasp that allowed me too fish into WG and not be flagged and get the fish for that specific fishing daily…matter fact this spot allowed me to fish up all the fish needed for that big Fish Feast with the high buff for raids back then and I didn’t have to fly to each zone for the different fish.
Horde literally did this in BFA lol what are you talking about
I’ve seen Horde camping almost every portal since WM started. Only difference in those cases is the portals weren’t the only way of getting to those places. I don’t blame the Horde for Blizz’s oversight here.
Turn off warmode in the maw, then back on when you are elsewhere. Eventually, the alliance raids will get bored of getting no kills toward their pity quest and disband.
There isn’t an equal PvP solution because Horde isn’t going to form up a counter raid - they don’t get the alliance pity quest. The only way to effectively counter it is to make it pointless for alliance to do it.
And it was Horde in BFA who made giant raid groups to kill people, so Alliance turned WM off. And then the Horde complained that there weren’t enough Alliance in WM, so Blizzard added a bonus for Alliance.
Now Horde complains there’s too many Alliance in WM doing the very same thing that Horde did at the start of BFA.
The absolute irony of it all.
And thus - a response in kind is appropriate. NO reason at all for horde to counter the raids. Give horde the bonus and we’ll see the tables flipped again.