Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

This is basically like camping the most popular flight point and players do not have the NPC guards helping them out. And the players are at the disadvantage of random loading times. So I can see why players would be annoyed by this.

However after years of hearing cold hearted responces to players complaining about super high level players stomping their low level alts to the ground I feel comeuppens are needed in return.

PVP happened. Turn the warmode off or set your hearthstone in a ideal place.

There is a touch of lemming style poetry in the use of warmode to get others to turn off warmode.

It really is that simple. Why in the world would you turn WM on and then run through this solo to begin with? By this point everyone knows where the choke points are. At least now you can turn pvp off.In the old days if you experienced this solo on a pvp server you were pretty much screwed .

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Furstrating as it is, unless the PvP is causing actual zone wide disruption, “PvP problems are best answered with PvP solutions” has been the Catchall response from players and Blizzard.

“PvP happened in PvP-Mode”

Simple solution here. Turn off Warmode for the Maw. You can turn it back on after you’re done. Same thing Alliance has done since WM became a thing.


And there’s not a fix that can fix this issue too?

Removing the quest won’t do anything lol

People like you will still find any reason to complain about why you’re getting rekt in wpvp.

We have very different memories of this because I remember quite vividly how Alliance were crying loud and hard for days and weeks here on the forums.

And y’know what happened because of all that crying? The issue was (kinda) fixed.

I expect a hotfix to come in within a week or two.

Turn off war mode. Problem solved

So you want pvp benefits and abilities but do not want pvp?

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I think most people here are obviously not upset about the PvP part.

That’s what I’m reading.

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Anyone know if that stealth potion from Ve’nari that increases your movement speed works against players? I’ve seen Horde out there in WM even when there’s 20+ people at the portal, so they’re getting out somehow.

False remove the incentive and I’ll prove you wrong. If they still do it then to have fun Ill say well darn but wpvp is wpvp. But now you literally see people going in and out once they finish the quest.

Oh, Alliance style WPvP then. I know, it is difficult and you horde are used to ez mode, but you will be fine.

you poor hordie :frowning:
i can barely contain my sorrow.

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Excuses not wanting to participate in wpvp only prove to me that you have no interest to get good lol.

Especially being a dh lol.

Lol he’s so mad

PVP has always been about 1 vs 5 or finishing someone off at 10% HP while they’re fighting a mob. PVP was cool back in my edgy days, but I kinda feel like it’s pointless having it enabled. I can’t think of any time I was attacked in PVP that didn’t involve several people, a ?? level, or me at the verge of death.

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