Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

What if I were to tell you that you could press a button on your keyboard, and then click one thing to make it all go away? Would you believe me? Would you pay me to have the answer? Well, consider today your lucky day! I’ll tell you how I fixed your problem myself, and you can do the same!

I turned war mode off when I go there. It never happened again.

Seems like a pretty easy fix.

You’re literally grieving yourself right now by keeping wm on. Stop doing that silly :upside_down_face:

Actually that is world PvP. That has always been world PvP.

I wish I could live in this perfect universe where people seem to think world pvp was ever a fun or balanced thing to do.

People are cowards on both factions who don’t attack you unless they know they outgear you or they have a numbers advantage.

If this is wpvp and its always been wpvp then lets remove the aao quest and lets see if this issue will continue.

I agree it should be removed, because it’s horribly inconsistent.

Alliance vastly outnumber Horde in OCE but they still get the buff because its tied to NAs balance.

RP shards are incredibly Alliance dominated but we still get the buff anyway. It’s such a stupid bandaid fix from Blizzard.



Problem solved.

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Okay maybe I came off as too harsh but still, if you’re someone who does this, Alliance OR Horde, I’d probably have an issue with you.

It was trash in BfA and it’s trash now.

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No, in fact Alliance complained so mich that they got a 30% WM buff and a quest for heroic raid gear.

Their complaining turned war mode from a Horde-fest joke in early BfA to somewhat improved, I suspect something will be done about the stupid campers soon enough.

Probably because the Alliance are the only ones doing it as they benefit much more from the War Mode buff. They should really make the buff the same so that its fair.

This is a player caused problem. Nothing for Blizzard to get involved with.

Blizzard already got involved with it once already in BfA with hub camping and overwhelming Horde:Ally ratio.

Blizzard is balancing shards at a 7:3 Alliance to Horde ratio, there is no feasible way to combat this. Even forming a raid group to counter it doesn’t work since people who join your raid have to get to Oribos and then come back to the Maw to get into the correct shard.

In short, no, there is no effective PvP solution to this problem.

“Alliance” did complain, and the kid who started this thread was likely one of them. You can tell they are the same people because it is the same exact mentality.

Remember when Alliance complained and Blizzard actually implemented some ‘fixes’ to control the situation? And war mode actually improved because of them?

What an absolute cess pool of degenerates.


The fix blizzard implemented, overwhelming odds quest, is what is causing the problem now lol.

Just turn off War Mode.


Oh if only you could see the irony in what your saying. This happens to the Alliance every expansion and yet we are a bunch of cry babies and whiners for daring to call out the horde zurg. As for me I’m just going to sit back and smile at the whole thing.

Sounds like PvP happened.