Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

Who’s upset? The only thing that bothers me are the constant WM complaints on this forum. That’s why I think all the bonuses should be removed, so the only people doing WM are the people who actually want to be there doing WM.

The complaints are from people that Blizzard has bribed to turn on WM, even though they really don’t want to have it on. And that needs to stop.

I bet my bottom dollar , even with all awards removed someone would STILL complain about pvp happening in WM

Hilarious the crying when it switches sides, after how long of sarcastic tripe from horde players, insulting anyone with a blue background?

Have you tried turning off warmode?

Safe bet.

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I doubt it.

If the only point to PvPing is to PvP, then the rewards disappear and so do the complaints. WoW has never gotten this right, though. First they trapped people on PvP servers who didn’t understand what that meant, then they switched to war mode but put in bonuses to bribe people to turn it on.

People in AC Darktide didn’t complain about PvP, because that was the whole point of the server. People in DAOC didn’t complain about PvP, because that was the whole point of the game. Other games haven’t had this issue because they handled PvP correctly; WoW hasn’t.

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Honestly all of these complaints on the forums just makes me want to join one of these raids.

Those skeletons are the results of Horde getting a taste of their own medicine for once. Great, isn’t it?

And the kill 25 Horde quest is a weekly! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some farming to do :smirk:

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Raid camping tends to be a lot of standing around doing nothing, though. It’s pretty boring.

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Except that Alliance were forming these farm zergs throughout BfA to do the weekly. The only reason Alliance still get a bonus is because they complain so much.

Lol, I love it when the HORDE cries about pvp.

Sorry but in the 3 expansions that I’ve messed around in WM in, I’ve never been blockaded from an entire zone. You’re gonna have to explain which zone is being denied to you.

Except it’s not like me playing on a PvP server. The RP guilds of Emerald Dream can’t take up bases of operations and look to be assaulted by other RP guilds because of all the sharding BS. The existence of rivalries between guilds on the same server has dwindled heavily because of sharding and CRZ hopping.

So no. It’s not the same as being on a PvP server. That experience was taken away. So we should be compensated since our experience has been hampered.

For the Horde!

The removal of social PvP should not be compensated by “more free stuff”.

What free stuff am I getting?

Then Horde would just complain they have noone to kill because, well as you can see from OP… No one likes getting camped while massively outnumbered.

Take away the incentive for the side with the smaller faction, they turn it off because no amount of fun is worth getting corpse camped when you’re alone vs a full raid. And while the response, of course, is to join a raid yourself… It still becomes a feedback loop of the outnumbered faction getting ganged up on, saying “I got better things to do” and turning WM off, which leaves a larger imbalance and will make it that much harder for the smaller faction to compete.

Eventually only the most stubborn, prideful, or masochistic remain… And the larger faction finds themselves without prey. Then they cry about how we’re all “cowards” (but with a word that would get me in trouble here…) as it insulting is will make it want to play with them.

Not only that but the camp is a rest area, he can just turn off warmode.

The problem is that they activate Warmode for the bonus, not for pvp!

They want their cake and eat it too…


This is very odd. I have never experienced this.

I wonder why you are? Oh, that is right you opted for PVP.


10% (or higher) more world quest rewards, which seems to be enough to turn it on who otherwise wouldn’t.

You mean the against the odds quest that the horde we also doing, but in greater numbers than the alliance since we still had the buff?

Okay. Let them.

Actually, what this shows is that there are plenty of Alliance who will turn on war mode just to beat up Horde.