Stop. allowing. ve'nari camping

You flagged yourself for PvP, I assume because you wanted to PvP. Well welcome to world PvP, enjoy your stay :slight_smile:


Thisssssss, I purely pvp . It’s the only reason I play this game. But when I was rep farming to unlock allied races, I turned off WM. Like if I got isht to do, who in their right mind would leave WM on to take Twice as long to do important stuff?

You put your hand in the fire then get shocked when it burns you. Outta here with that nonsense fam.


Pvp happened on a pvp setting.

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Don’t :clap: war mode :clap: if :clap: you :clap: can’t :clap: handle :clap: pvp.


I have no issue with world pvp. This isn’t pvp. This is zergs killing unorganized solo players. Its pathetic.

I got curious as to what kinda players we were talking about so I looked a few up on armory. Without exception, bad players by every measurable means, as well as having trash gear.

They dont even know how to pvp, as I have more upgraded pvp gear than they do, and I almost never play.

My suggestion for them would be to put forth 1/10 of the effort they’re putting into that little worthless quest, into something that actually benefits them.

Because you can grief pve guys all you want, and laugh it up. But just like every tier, the pvp players will be on here crying about not having gear

Honestly they just need to give you the buff Edict of the Eternal you get after being killed to be immune for like 10 seconds after respawn to apply any time you leave Venari’s area.

This isn’t PvP or World PvP its camping an unavoidable choke point with the unfair advantage that people in Venari’s area can’t fight back since the campers are tagged as friendly. Alternatively to fit with the theme of Venari’s area at least giving you stealth when you exit.

World PvP shouldn’t require being in a group or raid just to leave a spawn zone.

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Group beats solo player. suprised-pikachu-face.jpg

form a group then.

Why are pve players on the pvp mode?

  1. OP should turn off war mode, yes.
  2. Hopefully we can put to rest this myth that Alliance is massively outnumbered.

Depends if the % drops down from…I think someone said it was 25% this week? Iunno.

Because they already killed off pvp servers by knowingly playing on them now they are trying to take WM as well

The percentage isn’t based on any in-game numbers, it’s based on the amount of complaining the Alliance does on the forums.

Which certainly isn’t going to decrease, no matter what happens.

What? I’m pretty sure it’s based on participation for the week? So even if they turn it on, do the quest and then turn it off it’ll still register as participation and be counted toward next weeks %.

Anyone with even the smallest amount of common sense wouldn’t ask that question. but because I have found the one person that meets the criteria, I suppose I’ll answer it for you. The overwhelming amount of people that have warmode on do not participate in world pvp. Imagine that.

I have warmode on. And sometimes I am looking for world pvp. But I’m not hot trash, so I look for players that are also looking for pvp. I have the common sense not to assume everyone with warmode on is looking to fight 24/7.

Theres literally nothing fun or competitive about fighting people that dont wish to fight.

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Evidence from BfA shows no.

I don’t know what this means.

Judging by your QQ, they’re better at war mode than you are by a long country mile.

You’re dying enough that you came here to complain, and they’re sucking up honor kills.

Cry more, or turn off war mode.

War mode is not called “honorable duel mode”.

War is not fair.

Know what people who complain about unfairness in war are called?



wm happened in wm


It means every Alliance player and their brother was hopping in WM for 5 minutes to slaughter a few Horde every week for free gear, then turning it off again, and they kept a bonus “because they were outnumbered”.

It means Alliance was forming 40-man death zergs starting on launch day and going through straight to the end while getting a bonus “because they were outnumbered”.

It means Alliance was lag-camping Nazjatar to the extend that Horde players considered it unwinnable, while getting a bonus “because they were outnumbered”.

Alliance isn’t outnumbered, they just complain a lot. Squeaky wheel gets the grease with Blizzard, always has.


Just because you can turn off WM doesn’t mean the system is working as intended or the way it is working is good for the game. People auto dismissing valid concerns with “Turn Off Warmode” is counter productive.

Part of the problem with World PvP is its 90% a numbers game on any large scale encounter, which then devolves zones into unplayable lag fests as we’ve seen with Battle for Nazjatar.

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They should remove all bonuses from war mode (including the extra abilities and the 10% base bonus) so the only people who will turn on war mode are people who want to be in situations like this.

In other words, leave WPvP for people who want to WPvP. And understand its drawbacks.