Character freezes at the start of the run, then disconnects from game. Reconnect, character inside the Undercity, you may or may not fall to your death. If you die, you get sent to Westfall to res. I want my 600+ gold repair bill paid.
I entered Undercity and immediately got ported to Zidormi.
I posted this in another thread, but the forums are telling me it needs to be different from the other thread to allow me to post so I’m compelled to give this long explanation about the last 30 seconds of my life.
Also DCed when when porting into Undercity for the bomb quest. Twice, because if you can’t die right the first time, die and die again!
The same thing was happening to me, but Zidormi was not in the zone at all. I had to:
- Abandon Stinkbombs Away
- Go back to Stormwind
- Start the BFA: Tides of War quest at the guard next to the mission board
- Do the first intro quest until it allows me to tell Jaina to skip the scenario/tale (which made Zidormi show up in Tirisfal finally)
- Fly to Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades and go back in time
- Go back to Stormwind and pick Stinkbombs Away back up
Hope this helps, not sure what the problem could be for anyone who has already done Tides of War.
Tried twice. Disconnected both times. Came back in on the first try to find me landing on a wall in Undercity. Had to throw my SW cloak on quickly so I could hearth out. Second time, came back in to Zidormi.
Sad days
Instant disconnect soon as I get to Undercity. Was lucky, left me on a high beam out of reach but still had to hearth to get back to Stormwind. It’s broke guys, pls fix it.
Happening to me twice now alliance on Sergaras it’s cost a lot of gold and I can’t complete this quest now… please fix I also did a bug report in game
First time ported out to Zidormi. I was on my mage so I teleported to SW again and the second time I got DC’d and zone back into myself dead in the green ooze river. I’m giving up until it gets fixed.
I also was getting d/ced instantly when I click to fly to Undercity on an alliance alt. I logged back in at Zidormi. (If this happens to you, don’t forget to douse the horde wickerman while you’re there).
Once I completed “To the Dragon Isles!” quest, I was no longer disconnected and was able to complete the quest. It’s possible any questline that phases the harbor will cause this.
Also having the same issue, I keep getting onto the broom, See undercity for a second or two, Then disconnect, and when i reconnect I’m by Zidormi, It’s really rather frustrating as I just want to do this quest and get it over with.
I’ve also run into the bug where if you’re in a costume that was applied when you looted a candy bucket, you can’t do the quest, because you get out of range errors no matter how close anything is. Just clicking off the costume isn’t enough, I had to return to Undercity and start over. Just super, miserably bugged when it’s been fine for what, a decade plus?
Same crash. Can’t even mount up in the Undercity when you log back on.
Can also report that the quest is bugged for me as well. As soon as I transition over to Undercity, I disconnect and then appears that one can hearth out, or they can die, port to Westfall, and then take rez sickness with a hefty repair cost.
The quest is bugged for me as well. I DC’ed twice as soon as I made it into undercity.
This is odd as it was fine on my lock and it did this on my mage : /
First try and ended up with Zidormi so I figured I would just hop over and put out thier wickerman…yea that wasn’t easy but got it done (totally forgot how I did it last year). Anyway, took rez sickness and ported back to SW. Tried to do SBA again but dc’d. When I logged back in, I watched as my body fell into the green ooze and die. Rez sickness #2. Surely it was just a glitch that I got dc’d right? >.< Sent to Zidormi again. Gave up. Tried again today because surely Blizz fixed it right? >.< Hello Zi, can I just call you Zi?
Come on Blizz. OH! And how do I get a refund on my Rez sickness? Possible? Maybe? hmm?
pickup quest Stink bombs Away.
get ported to Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades and go back in time.
abandon quest Stink bombs away.
go to stormwind repickup quest stink bombs away.
then see if you can do the quest.
i did this first time with no disconnections.
I’m getting d/ced instantly when I click to fly to Undercity on an alliance alt. Tried twice. Disconnected both times and ported to SW when I didn’t die straight off, but did die the second time from falling. The third time, came back and was next to Zidormi, asked them to send me back in time, hearthed to SW then re-did quest. Finished quest after that and was done for the evening on that alt of mine.
Note: I did do the I completed “To the Dragon Isles!” quest. But seems I need to do the BfA quest to avoid this in the future since I looked at the map after my third attempt and saw it was set for BfA. So knock that out before doing the quest. If anyone else is having that problem.
Disconnected 5 times, the last time ended up at Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades spoke to her to go back in time. Abandoned quest and tried again. I worked.
This wouldn’t piss me off so much if I didn’t also have my body being unrecoverable and oh look a 300g repair bill for what… 3 candies? Guess this is another seasonal I’m skipping forever more.