Still wanting Wrath Era

Ascension has over 1 million players. Wamane has almost 30k Have 15 TBC ones that have over 5k players each. That right there is proof that those game versions are still popular and still wanted for people to play.


Ascension does not have 1 millon players. They’ve had one millon accounts made since the start of the project almost five years ago.

Also I’m the arbiter of arguing for all versions getting a fresh server every 14 months, I think all verisons of wow have fans.

But pserver are not that big lol. They lie left and right and the controversies around those lies have been disrupting the scene for a decade.

Please don’t speak about things you don’t understand.

youre alone brother lol wrath was terrible. its legit worse than cata LOL

Yes but why should anyone have to move on to cata classic if they don’t want to.

The reality is, no one is stopping them from unsubbing. But in my mind, if you are that upset. You gotta show the company up front at some point. Because if they aren’t providing those folks with the product that they want anymore. Then at that point, it’s just time to unsub.

I also see no harm in asking for permanent wrath era realms either. LIke no one should be as divided on this issue as there currently are. Like it seriously feels like there would be people who would have some serious meltdowns if permanent wrath era servers get made. And I don’t get that, at all.

Like that’s my question. Would people enjoying cata classic right now unsub from the game right now if blizzard made permanent wrath era servers. Like we are all just a bunch of babies and andies. Just babies and andies who want different versions of the game lol. And one side of baby andies has their way. And the other side doesn’t.

It just doesn’t make any sense to be against the people requesting permanent wrath era servers. But that is just me. Like alot of people are just being really, really stupid about this whole issue in my op.


Private servers suck though and aren’t officially licensed or endorsed through blizzard.

This is the problem I have with that. People saying, well just go to private servers then. So go and be illegal. Ok. No thanks.

I am still playing the current game. But I do hope blizz makes permanent wrath era realms soon.

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Blizzard ain’t the same company. They can barely handle cata classic.

I’m sorry some of you guys didn’t have enough time to play more wrath, but now you’re asking for them to divide their service even more and also divide the player base further.

So as you can see, it makes total sense why cata people are annoyed by this. Wrath had its moment, not let cata have its moment.

And who cares about cata people lol. Bunch of morons who are completely against anyone who would rather live in the past. Like to heck with you all.

Like most classic cata players, are full blown narcissists. Plain and simple. And it isn’t like it wasn’t already divided than it was before. Someone please explain how a permanent wrath era realms divides the player base. It won’t. It would just provide two types of andies the experiences that they want. Nothing more.


Wrath needs fresh in order for era to work at all. Final phase invalidates every raid that isn’t ICC. With TBC and vanilla at least you still needed to progress each old tier a few times to get gear for the final one. In wrath you get a royally scuffed experience being forever on the last phase.

All 3 games in the trilogy deserve an era, but we need fresh cycles going through it too.


You sound kind of unhinged mate, maybe no wrath is life’s way of telling you that you should stop gaming for a while and work on real life.


Thats just no true goofy lol, as much as blizzard is poo, a handful of private server realms will never come close to WoWs lowest numbers.

You see so many who asked for Wrath nonstop. Never saw that with Cata. And Blizz is rushing to end Cata Classic early.

I want to play a version of WoW that has WoW tokens, transmog, no battlegroups, no arena teams, no battlegroups, account wide mounts and pets, RBGs, year round server transfers…then I can get all that in Dragonflight. DF is a better version of Cata.

Yea they suck so much that Blizzard took all their ideas and put them into WoW that we have currently. Only reason why Classic exists? Because Nostalrius was a thing. If there never was a Nastalrius, there never would have been a single Classic server.

And why does MoP Remix and Season of Discovery exist? Because Ascension is a thing.

So if they suck so much? Why is Blizzard taking months and in some cases, years to shut them down and then also copying from those servers when instead they used to shut them down the week they were discovered in the past. You would not be playing Cata Classic is Nostralrius had never existed.

What’s funny is I would do to classic from the start again I never killed naxx i never did tbc or wrath, just sod and cata I’d love to go back but I do love what we have too MoP will be even better

Because blizzard is incredibly slow lol. That’s why. Think of how many times people asked for blizzard to make legacy servers. And it took them what, like 12 years to do so. I don’t get that at all. Classic servers should have started in like 2015. Specially after that question was asked at the 2013 blizzcon. Like there is no excuse. If I was in charge of blizzard during this era, classic servers would have been announced in 2014, and launched in 2015. And I would have made sure permanent versions of each expansion existed as it originally was also going forward.

Even now, they are still in that state of telling people, that we think we do, but we don’t. Like, we know exactly what we want. Us permanent wrath classic players, just want 2 freakin permanent wrath classic servers. Like, that’s it. End of story. As well as all of the other cool stuff coming from wow in the future, which we are all getting anyways.

Like dragonflight has been fun. The new expansion sounds cool. Cataclysm classic is cool. Not having permanent wrath classic servers is like, super stupid and uncool. Probably be another 20 years though till blizzard does it though.

It takes so long for blizz to recognize the potential in anything.


Not really unhinged. Just unsatisfied with blizzard not providing a permanent wrath classic server option. So I am complaining about it. While also pointing out the good stuff blizzard has done also.

And I have every right to complain to. People might not like it, but I hate all of you anyways lol. So, IDC if you think I should stop complaining.

Like you explain that I sound unhinged, but you don’t explain why. I just don’t get why people hate it when the permanent wrath classic community complains right now. Like use your brains and figure it out. But don’t expect it to stop either.

Well, I’ll tell you why you sound unhinged. You hate a bunch of gamers who have nothing to do with blizzards decision to not make wrath.

You sound like a child ranting who didn’t get their way. You’re prolly over 30 years old, it’s embarrassing.

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I think everyone is unhinged. Basically just a bunch of people complaining on both sides about different things. Pro cata players are complaining about pro wrath classic players complaining and spamming. And threatening to report them for spamming. As if that will get them to stop talking about permanent wrath classic realms and how they should be made lol. But ok…

Like everyone is a child ranting on either side. Pro wrath players ranting and complaining and spamming about how permanent wrath classic servers don’t exist yet. And how and why they think they should exist. And pro cata classic players complaining and ranting about how the pro wrath classic players won’t shut up already. And how they keep spamming about permanent wrath classic. And how they keep talking about wrath classic servers, and like how they need to be made. And how there’s to many wrath classic threads. And having multiple excuses as to why classic wrath shouldn’t or won’t get made. Like that’s it. Really nothing more than that.

And I don’t hate everyone. I was being sarcastic, but you can’t tell emotion in a post. I did have the LOL at the end of it. I just hate most people nowadays. People want to try and figure out who is right in all of these posts. But none of us are. No one knows anything.

Still … do you really think it’s better that people just quit than letting them play on different Era servers?
Also I dare bet that most would not spend all their time in one version of WoW. I have unsubbed because of no Wrath Era servers, but IF they were there, I would share my playtime beween Era, HC and Wrath. maybe I wold even visit Cata, but as it is now, I did not even download Cata.
You do know that it’s easier for people to hop from version to version that getting them to re-sub?

Edited to add all the 't’s my keyboard would not.


Yes I think it would be better to just quit, maybe after enough of you quit they’ll bring wrath servers back.

Better than crying and being annoying on the forums.

Hmm, I have quit. But I am going to spend my last sub time on the forums asking for Era Servers for Wrath and TBC.
Because I still think it is better for WOW and for Blizz to keep players happy and subbed.


It’s because too many people take this video game too seriously. They want to have or preserve an experience of WOW that they believe will happen if they get their way. Sometimes we get what we want and sometimes others do and we have to accept that fact and move on from what is at the end of the day just a dumb video game that we’re all too invested in.

What’s the right move for retaining people, broaden an audience, etc. Is a job left up to the marketing at Blizzard. People unsubscribing is the best form of protest. Nothing makes your opposition seethe more than walking away and the constant videos and posts about subscribers and numbers and lamenting of not being able to find proper groups for things.