Still wanting Wrath Era

The private server that runs it still has more active players than Classic ever had. And they have TBC too. So its not gone. Irony. Classic was made to stop the private servers…then they remove the most popular version of Classic. Oh.

They nerfed NPCs while questing You can literally pull everything in sight in the questing zone and not die while questing. Not possible original version of the game and you also level way too fast now.


Not a fair comparison, ftp is…ftp.

Even I have made wth ascension chars. It’s free, wow was down for long patching, Let’s hang out there. It cost me a whopping $0.00. Many did. I saw nights the logins just dropped in like rain as wow servers shut down.

Also noting these ftps pay their internet bills with services. Faster xp, actual game items, etc. optional ofc. But so was stuff like jj in this game version. Or optional like turning off xp if wanted. Or looms.

Cool probably, profitable not really.
Blizz dont count as cool, more like profitable.

Yes, of course it is way better that we stop playing WoW altogether.

Give Era servers to TBC and Wrath (best with the possibility of cloning untouched characters back from Cata), then I might resub.


8-10 years from now will be Wrath, dont worry.

Too late, I want to keep my Wrath characters on an Era server, not start over in Wrath Classic2


Maybe we played a different wrath but I still remember how easy the leveling experience was in wrath 1-70.

I can’t take any of you anti cat/pro wrath people seriously.

You guys just make things up.

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I want to have my pets as in Wrath, not like in Cata.
I want my old talent points back
I want my bullets back
And mos of all I want my old world back!


It was absolutely harder and required more effort. I don’t know if they changed anything in wrath classic, but OG wrath you had to level through the vanilla and TBC zones completely unchanged.

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We literally had all those for years. Were you incapable of playing more than 2 hours per week during wrath?

Also the current talent system in cata is better and gameplay is better.

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wrong forum sorry.this is cata forum

I gotta be honest this argument your having I can’t even be bothered to read but bro no. No pserver has ever come close to classic numbers lol. Firemaw casually mogd even nost. Casually.

Pservers were a MANAGEABLE pop level but never insane. They usually felt like old school vanilla servers up till nost and after beyond lights hope/nost itself didn’t get a massive growth, just less drop off.

This is not exactly true. You went through the Vanilla and TBC zones, but they were all accelerated. You needed less experience to level, drop rates were modified, most elites were made non-elite, riding levels were changed, heirlooms were implemented, and you played with much stronger abilities and talents.

You superficially ventured through Vanilla and TBC, but the experience of doing so was wildly different from actual Vanilla or TBC.

I did not level ALL the alts I wanted to, no. And yes, I was busy, then ill for long during BC and Wrath, and trusted in Era servers to come, so I prioritized health an family.

This is a matter of taste, I find both better pre-Cata

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Not completely unchanged, no. But levelling - and fights in OG Wrath were harde iúnltil ICC patch, where all of a sudden you were way stronger than befor. Classic Wrath launced on patch 3.3.5 - so yes you’re right, almost.

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Unfortunately some people had / have real life responsibilities that take them away from the game. I wasn’t concerned about rushing back to to Wrath since I assumed that the Wrath serves would just be there for me when I came back. I didn’t cruise the forums while I was away from the game, so had no idea that there weren’t dedicated TBC and Wrath servers until I literally paid for a month of game time. I then cancelled and am riding out the last 10 days of my game time.

Yeah, because removing choice and flexibility is ALWAYS better and more fun. :man_facepalming:


This all happened late in Wrath, around the time when they implemented the dungeon finder if I remember correctly. When the Wrath pre-patch dropped they did accelerate the 1-60 leveling speed A BIT, but not to the extent it was done for CATA.

Again, not entirely true. Most of the changes I listed existed from Wrath prepatch onwards, not late Wrath, and certainly not post-RDF.

Regarding Cataclysm, time to 60 is now actually longer than it was in Wrath Classic (but slightly shorter than OG Wrath).

This is not true. I leveled multiple characters from 1-60 during wrath and during CATA. CATA was at least twice as fast to get to 60 on these characters. Number of deaths was DRASTICALLY different also.,

Again, not true. Most of the MoBs that were elite in the open world during Vanilla were still Elite until the CATA pre-patch. All of the group quests from Vanilla were still in the game until the CATA pre-patch. They DID accelerate leveling in the old world very late in Wrath, again I’m 99% sure that is was in the dungeon finder patch.

Heirlooms were implemented in patch 3.2.0, not pre-patch. Also, heirlooms are not an issue here since they are optional. I wish they had implemented all leveling acceleration in this fashion so that it was optional for those of us that didn’t want it.

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See, I’ve power-levelled 15 characters during the course of Wrath Classic (ie. fresh to max within a week), and so far I’ve levelled 4 during Cataclysm because I’ve switched servers and faction. My experience has been the exact opposite.

I guarantee you this is not the case, and if you have examples, I’m open to hearing them.

Yes, hence why I say that most of what I listed existed since the pre-patch. I listed decreased experience required, altered quest drop rates, elites made non-elite, riding levels, abilities, talents, and heirlooms. That’s 6 out of 7 that existed since Wrath prepatch.