Still Waiting On This Allied Race!

Since the beginning of time essentially, the Horde consisted of several core races. One of the most iconic races was the mighty Ogre. They’ve been a part of the Horde since the RTS days. We have super tall trolls and Tauren, and I think Blizzard could figure out the size issues. The thing is it’s one of the coolest races there is. We need to be able to play it.

STOP GIVING 50 damn elf races and give us something we need and deserve. We should have one and 2 head options with 2 heads being separately customizable.


Don’t worry, they’ll make Ogres playable. But in the standard “Blizzard twist”, they’ll be shoehorned awkwardly onto the Alliance instead.


Funny enough, that was the concept in Cataclysm before choosing the worgen.


i though that was the concept before choosing the goblin or has my whole life been a lie?


You’re right, I got my wires twisted. :robot:

During an interview in 2012 the developers stated that “We considered them for Cataclysm instead of goblins. Figuring out the females and the two-headed mages would be (fun!) challenges. Maybe someday.”


There’s a playable Ogre Megathread. Please support!


I too thought we were getting ogres in Cata. Was shocked when they announced goblins.


Ogres are definitely cool, but I can see why they haven’t been made a thing yet. Haven’t really been important to the story for awhile and they weren’t ever built to be playable. So it’d be a lot of effort needed to rework them to playing level. Much more than most other allied races.

The dice just hasn’t landed there yet. Goblins were also a long time request so in Cata it was either one or the other. Eventually ogres will have their day! Maybe. :slight_smile:

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What are you even talking about? BLIZZARD makes the races important. They straight up created Void Elves out of nowhere. They could make Ogres important and put them on the Horde.

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Oh please Blizz!

Need to be able to play my big dumb fatty. Kul Turans don’t count. (although they are cool) Hopefully before I’m so old I can’t remember my name, let alone what an Ogre is.

Ogres are one of my most wanted races, and are a race that has long deserved to become playable. Given that we have three clans within the Horde, one of which (The Stonemaul Clan) has had ties with the Horde since Warcraft 3 and owes the Horde a lot (understatement of the year there), it’s odd how they have yet to be utilized by the Horde in any fashion.

Not with any world-ending threats.

Not with a huge war with the Alliance.

And likely not with Sylvanas going coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs as the undead cause chaos across the world (of Warcraft!).

Still, I have hope that someday, we’ll see them playable on the Horde finally. Hopefully, that day comes sooner than later, as having playable Ogres helps make the Horde more complete, in my opinion.

If anyone particularly wants to read all my thoughts and ideas, check out my many posts in the Ogre megathread linked above. I plan to support playable Horde Ogres as best as I can.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’m sure Blizz is gonna make them all polished and awesome for when they announce ogres alongside mecha-Kul Tirans