Still not getting the Theater Troupe weekly reward

Hi I am still not receiving the weekly reward for doing the Theater Troupe weekly event. I have read that this has been fixed but it doesn’t appear to be so

I did it this afternoon. What’s the issue you’re having? Are you able to pick up the actual quest? I had to finish the campaign quest lines first before I was able to access the weekly quest.


I am able to pick up the quest but its not giving me a reward at completion for some reason. And I stay active the entire time. Doing all the chores as they appear.


What reward are you expecting?

Is it possible you already did other weekly events for chests and this one was just the “base” version which mainly just gives some gold and valorstones.


As far as I am aware you have to complete the campaign on at least one character for this one. It looks like you only recently completed Surface Bound, which should unlock World Quests. Have you tried since?


Thank you: Yes I completed it yesterday and was able to get the Treasure trove. :slight_smile: