Still no update… sad
even if the world abandons us, we will not abandon our love for glaives
Hopefully blizzard see this
At the very least, we should get 1 handed pitchforks so we can protest properly
lol imagine. I think its weird that they mentioned that people wanted pitchforks but I don’t see that anywhere but this forum post has so many comments and views and we get nothing
Only DHs can transmog to warglaives and that doesn’t come into the game for quite a bit still.
thanks captain obvious! tell us something we haven’t heard before. tell us why all the others can be and why we cant other then that when no one could until shadowlands.
#somechanges… but not all
We still want this.
Its vital to everything. LET ME MOG!
Let me mog my Glaive please
the people continue to speak, yet blizzard remains silent! Give us glaives or give us DEATH
give us glaives or tell us you are doing legion classic so we can quit now
The system implemented in Cata Classic is the retail version of the transmog system. You can either have the original version without legendary xmogs and the need to carry everything around for you, or you can have the retail version stripped down with legendries available except for Glaives. They aren’t going to hotfix something that is not a bug.
then take it away and give us the original version without. we know its not a bug and how it worked in retail. we dont want a hotfix.
we want change!!!
the worst opinion in the warcraft forums has once again chimed in with his garbage take
Im sorry that you dont understand how this works. I get that you are mad and you want something specific. It’s perfectly fine to give feedback and make suggestions. I do it all the time.
Its silly to demand hotfixes though for things that are clearly working as intended. You can cry about it and insult me all you like, the sooner you accept that this is exactly how they planned it to be the easier it will be to accept it if the dont make the change you want.
Personally I am surprised they allowed legendaries at all. This is more likely a case of it was more work to make it closer to original than otherwise.
True…but retail followed this same path. So my guess is NO!
It’s not working as intended, they just copy pasted retail xmog stuff without thinking about it is all or they would have specified it in the post where they said ALL legendaries were transmoggable in cata classic that warglaives were not going to be moggable.
still waiting
Still no answer from blizz?
not once !