Still no player housing?

Everquest has housing. City of Heroes had “Supergroup Halls”

Personally, I think Guild Halls with the ability for PVP invasion and defense would be more fun than personal housing but I think I am in the minority.

Garrisons would have been more popular as a guild feature with each member having a house and display area in a small neighborhood.

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So count them. The only reason why folks don’t is because they disliked that player housing in WoW didn’t work, so they blame it on “not enough ‘X’”. Which usually also boils down to “gut professions and classes because I liked it in games built from the ground up to have player housing”.

Because players by and large don’t want it. WoW would need to be rebuilt from the ground up to even have player housing make sense. What we have received which was celebrated highly was Class Order Halls.

WoW can make that work. Not player housing though.

Blizzard doesn’t want to do currently. That’s the only reason that matters.

I never played EQ but I forgot about COH. Still might be an engine thing, though.

Good lord, they just managed to rebuild it to allow account wide everything, setting up player house. Give it time. It’s inevitable.

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Most modern MMOs have it. The whole “play Sims” argument is so stupid and tired. Do you guys not acknowledge every other major MMO out there?


EQ2 is a few months older and has the best housing system of any MMO shrug SWG was older than THAT and had it. ESO is over 10 years old, so is FFXIV. Both have housing. LOTRO is old AF and has it. SWTOR is old and has it. Archeage has it. BDO has it. Those are both nearly a decade old. GW2 and WoW are the only hold outs, and GW2 -kinda- has it with their guild halls (though it’s not really a full system).

Better check your facts before posting an opinion

Edit: Archeage is actually older than a decade. It’ll be 11 this Jan.


At this point I assume the devs look at the amount of time it would take to make player housing and think it isn’t worth it. Can’t say I blame them I wouldn’t bother using it.

I don’t want housing in WoW and think if added it will significantly harm the game as the resources required to chase an acceptable standard comparable to games that focus on housing will be sorely missed in other areas.

That said, the devs tend to pipe back channel info to certain streamers and following what was being said and not said about housing after blizzcon I have to believe its coming. Thats just the impression I’m getting.

ESO is hardly dead. LOTRO has a pretty stable base, so it’s hardly dead either. BDO has housing and that’s DEFINITELY not a dead game.

Once again: check your facts before making an opinion about something.


Well this one dosent i dont know what to tell you

I know what to tell you: they’re missing out on a lot of revenue :slight_smile:

ESO also has a bank. And a limitless crafting bag if you sub. And yet… somehow…housing is a HUGELY popular activity there and probably their biggest money maker in their shop.


So go play them.

It’s clearly not something the majority want to go too.

1 post HMP on a bait topic?

How do you know that? Do you have a source? Some polling?

Because I’ll bet if Blizzard ran a poll, you’d be wrong. Housing is -extremely- popular in every MMO that has it. It would be -extremely- popular here, too.


I hardly hear talk of it.

New one to me.

Just because you don’t follow MMO news doesn’t mean those don’t exist. ESO is doing fine and put out an expansion a few months ago and a big update just this week. LOTRO is actually growing this year. Just put out another expansion (new race and class, too)


Well your still here so they are not lol

:wink: I play more than one MMO and don’t spend any money in the cash shop here. Guess where I do? ESO and LOTRO.