Still no player housing?

Blizzard is a buisness, you cater to your clients. Thats business 101. Them not inserting player housing is because the cost and novelty isnt worth the investment.

You clearly havent noticed but when the majority complain, especially recently in SL and DF Blizz is acting. They still havent made any announcement about player housing which means its not high on the priority list because the majority of players dont want it.

I mean I would hope you were able too. I wasnt telling you what to do, I was asking you.

LFR and Normal raid share the same achievment so therefore they are counted together. Also multiple players consider it actually raiding.

The majority raid in Heroic with a minority in mythic.

I am also talking on a raiding only stats.

  1. And yet they stated it’s something they’re considering.

  2. Are they though? Because it seems DF didn’t do enough to remedy the issues, either. Story is still a mess, progression for leveling is atrocious, new player experience is bad, too many systems, too many currencies. Is it better than SL? A bit. But it’s still not what most people wanted, clearly.

  3. Well you know your answer then. I play more than one MMO.

Edit: but I’m done for now. It’s pretty clear housing in other MMOs is popular and exists just fine alongside raiding and loot and banks etc etc. Blizzard may one day add it here. Maybe they won’t until they make WoW 2. Regardless-- the “stop liking what I don’t like” mentality is ridiculous.

Well actually i dont know if you missed the poll by blizz , most played content by players was M+ in 2023

Considering because its not cost effective and they have to figure out a way to get a return. It has to be profitable and in a game like WoW its not easy.

DFs numbers are up at least raid wise. The story is always going to be a mess because most of the time its rushed.

This game is never going to have a good new player experience with it being this old.

There arent that many systems and currencies in DF especially when compared to SL and BFA.

Making assumptions based on nothing is also ridiculous. I dont comprehend how people enjoy playing this game solo, yet I dont advocate for their preferred method of the game to be removed.

IDK how you missed

There it is

Its literally irrelevant. The numbers I am quoting are only about RAIDING.

I cant simplify this anymore

Also that poll is only the players on the forums and by far is not an actual credible poll.

Did you look at the poll lmao, poll say 9% or you making up your own numbers lol

It gives you a sample of data, and which your numbers have no data at all

Poll is a little misleading because you can only pick 1 item.

Poll is not based on participation, either. So you cant say that the 9% mark means only 9% of people raid. Or anything close.

Aside from FFXIV which of the other mmos are considered big?

Yes, it’d be a waste of resources.

They’ve already said they’d need to reformat the entire game to fit player housing and that’s way too much work atm so…please for the love of god stop beating the dead horse. It’s not coming anytime soon

That poll is actually worthless. The vast majority of the playerbase doesn’t even know the forums exist.

Incorrect. My numbers are from tracked achievements.

No you didn’t!!!

But seriously dance studio people should technically have more gripes than housing people.

I mean the dance studio was actually mentioned by blizzard for an expansion feature at least.

I think both sides should duke it out in an arena match !!

Warm up now by arguing here first though …

WAIT geez give everyone time to get their snacks first …

Ok 3 minutes Go!!!

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Who did the tracking ? Wheres your source ?

WoW audit and WoWprogress.

Capslock has the confirmed numbers link

Oh ok so you dont have the link, but ill take your word for it anyway i guess lol, its like i swear i have the money, but my dad has it i swear

Outside of mog there was no announced feature that I was more excited for than dance studio. I’m still sad to this day.

Joking aside I was interested in how it would look interface wise and I think it would have been cool to make funny dances.

I honestly dont care what you think or do. The numbers have been presented multiple times on this forum.

Iv been on the forums for a while havent seen them, and you only have 200 posts so you havent been here that long