Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted.
At level 25, I will be somewhere between stonetalon mountains and ashevale, looking for horde people to kill, with my guildies. What I expect the most with Classic is that you don’t have to reach maximum level to enjoy the content - “waisting time” is part of the content, and god it’s fun to waste time in Vanilla.
Do you mean like the crying about “long BG queues” that ultimately led to CRBG’s, despite the fact that the “faction imbalances” and “dead servers” were completely player controlled?
Do you imagine that many of those people who never played vanilla would pick a RPPVP realm? Do you imagine that RPers would mind actually having the time to socialize while waiting for spawns, and traveling?
As far as I know cross realm bgs are in the game since vanilla, however I started on this game during MoP, so I don’t know for sure.
Actually there a lot of people who where interested in this server type new to the game and new to PVP itself, since they joined in wow during the whole warmode only thing, most likely drawn to the game because of all the crazy WPvp story’s though i doubt they’d mind the hiking too much.
You know what would clear a lot of that chaff out beforehand? An open beta with a RPPVP server choice. Allow those who are just curious to get their tourism out of the way.
It is true that the game cancer that is cross realm BG’s was added in patch 1.12.
That does not negate the fact that those Greg’s were added in response to players crying about “long BG queues” caused by “faction imbalance” and “dead servers”. Neither faction imbalance not server populations are controlled by Blizzard and both are player controlled factors.
Allow me to quote you:
The fact is that players almost routinely cry to Blizzard, even about player controlled “realm health”.
Why do you think we now have CRZ’s in retail?
I’m not. I am for rp-pvp servers. I am telling people that maybe they should not get their hopes up. People are acting like its going to happen. Ion may not have directly said it but to those of us who have been listening to Ion and Blizzard for over a decade it was clear what he meant.
Finally, you cut the crap and admit it. Everything happens !
Its still a no. You know what I mean. Did it make you feel better? jesus. Let me know which realm you roll so i can avoid it.
Because it’s easier for them to do this than to merge low pop realms into one high pop realm.
Anyway, the fear of an outcry will remain as your opinion, I think it’s rather unlikely, specially since RPers enjoy different aspects of the game, and we know we WILL have cross realm bgs, so that won’t be an issue.
Again, you completely ignore the point.
The “outcry” about “dead realms” already happened. We saw it during vanilla.
You claim that players will not complasin about “dead realms” because “realm health” is controlled by the players.
You completely ignore and refuse to acknowledge the fact that not only do players cry about “dead realms” and “faction imbalance” (both of which are controlled by the players), but also that those player cries led to some of the worst additions ever made to the game.
How does it feel to push your pessimistic, let down personnality over other people ?
Or perhaps you simply came here because you are so enlighted you feel entitled to assert your opinion as if it was the Truth ? Remember what they said about loot trading and DM gear, and how they changed their mind ? Jeez, what a horrible co-worker you must be. “I know because I know, now shut up.”
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If you are a true RPer, you’d be able to RP on any server type.
You claim that players will not complasin about “dead realms” because “realm health” is controlled by the players.
No I didn’t claim that, and if I did, then I meant something else, sorry.
I basically meant that I don’t know if they will cry about it, and in fact it would surprise me if they do, as it’s not on blizzard to blame.
But again, I do not claim they won’t create outcry about it, I have no way of knowing that, and neither do you.
but also that those player cries led to some of the worst additions ever made to the game.
And that’s your opinion trying to be presented as a fact
Allow me to quote you again:
So, now saying “I think/I don’t think” equals saying “Such situation will/won’t happen?” Wow! Nice
I’d encourage you to study the difference between an opinion and a statement of fact, since you seem to misinterpret what I clearly said (opinion) with what you imagine is me saying it won’t ever happen, plus you deeming features you consider to be bad as “some of the worst additions ever made to the game”.
I guess no one ever cried about “deaf servers” or “faction imbslances” in the past, right?
When there is already ample evidence of “X” having occurred, most reasonable will not be foolish enough to say “I don’t think ‘X’ will happen” under the same or similar circumstances.
Why would they communicate? So YouTubers can make sensational videos for their armies of reactionaries mocking them and picking apart every word they say? Then drown in tears about lies and broken promises when things don’t go as planned?
Communication only creates problems that are worse than the threads complaining about no communication.
First, how does the fact that it has happened affect in any way what will or will not occur? You’re just commiting a logical fallacy here.
- The sun has risen every day before.
- Therefore the sun will rise tomorrow!! (?)
Wrong! But I guess I shouldn’t be the one teaching you logic101
Second, your opinion is that people will cry, yet you limit yourself to quote past events on a situation that isn’t even analogous. All I’m saying is, I have no reason to believe your opinion is accurate.