Yep. That tells me its a no from Blizzard, dawg. My whole thing is that people need to expect to not get them. I never once told people to stop asking though. I’m just trying to tell people to not get their hopes up. If I were Ion I’d say that too to keep peoples money. People forget you have to read into what Ion is saying. You is a pro at being vague enough to keep your interest.
She has made many claims as facft, but rarely, if ever substantiated them with a Blizzard source, even when asked multiple times for a source.
She has also made claims as “fact” that have been proven to be less than honest with actual official Blizzard statements being linked.
Better question is why are you, a player, pushing back against our efforts?
That’s IonSpeak for No.
Sadly we’ve already noted the problems with this in my OP. I’m not really one for outrage and such as seems popular
with folks now and days.
Ion hasn’t been for it for a bit, but i still find it odd that CM’s would just come out and say so in our post it’s not tough, They didn’t seem to mind answering other questions such as patch different spell batching etc. I’m tempted to make a twitter account myself just for this haha.
They didn’t say no in our topic over at the fourms so i’ll wait until then till i throw in my hat myself. Maybe you’re right maybe you’re not I like to believe that that struggle for an honest answer, truth is worth fighting for. I mean sorta what my country was founded on, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So will act in my power until, otherwise utterly denied. In which case, yes we’ll organize an effort to find a pvp server. That is the general idea, most big guilds iirc have talked about it. But there’s nothing wrong with holding out hope, in fact when your dreams are crushed beneath the boots of reality, you build endurance.
Personally i don’t understand why they’d think it’d be a better idea to add in a RP-PVP one later then soon, they will do what they think is the best option for there company, and i gotta respect that.
Blizzard is still considering it. Omar and Ion go down into the Basement under the Irvine Tram and duke it out. As yet, the score is 47 : 48 to Ion, but no-one has managed to get the 3 win lead required to settle the argument.
/tosses a chair into the ring
That would be funny, though i just think it’s more so they want to avoid the outrage it would generate from them just coming out and saying no, which is in a way a bit ironic.
Ion did. The rest of the team keeps walking it back.
I agree there should be a rp/pvp server at launch. However, if they fail to give us one, then it is up to the players to take over at least ONE pvp server and announce here on the forums that it will be THE server for rp/pvp. Blizzard certainly cannot stop you from doing that. Instead of letting everyone roll wherever, you get the rp/pvpers organised to use one server. Not hard to do if you are friends and have battletags. Or use the forums to actively recruit. Once Blizzard is informed that all the rp/pvpers are on said realm, then they MIGHT change the realm designation to reflect that.
So you want to indicate to them how many will actually be interested? Do that today. Pick one of the available pvp servers and go for it! Instead of a bunch of threads indicating how angry and disappointed you are, use some player agency and actually create what you want and show them how many are interested!
But why walk it back in the first place if the answer is no, it leave’s no one happy in the end. Be firm with your condition, so that the truth may set you free.
We plan to check the post with like 16k view’s in the link here.
Because the rest of the team thinks it should be Yes, and Ion is not directly working on the project, just overseeing it.
Wait seriously, can you actually confirm that or is that just a hypothesis? You’d assume everyone would be behind Ion’s idea’s since he’s been at blizzard for quite sometime and would have a presence that most would if not agree with tolerate.
Corporation = / = small indie dev
Rip telltale games
Hes the boss over that segment. I am sure people give feedback but like in any company he makes the final decision unless someone above him tells him otherwise.
Why would they not simply say “We’re going to shard the entire world (we’ll call it layering, but it really is just sharding) for what could potentially be months.” as opposed to “starting areas only for a brief time at launch”?
The answer? Let the player base get used to a decision we know they will not like a little at a time.
It is far easier to gain forgiveness than permission.
Do you realize that doing it that way you would get but a fraction of the community that a proper RP-PVP realm would foster?
Wait seriously, can you actually confirm that or is that just a hypothesis?
All the other members who’ve given answers said they’re still considering. Only Ion, who is only overseeing the project, not leading it (that’s Brian) has said no.
He can probably overrule the entire team, which is why they’re saying “considering” not “We’re going to do it”.
Seems a bit odd none the less as to why Ion is so vocal about it, compared to Brian then, and only when question to the other team members give out the whole “Eh, could be” Song and dance.