Still having arena 123 macros, help?

You cannot cast polymorph on friendly targets.

Right, but manually targetting every cast is inferior like if I have to manually target the target I wanna spellsteal, or counterspell, or sheep or dps or decurse, its going to be far worse, unless I am like a bot with my mouse movement and targeting.

So heres how your macro works at a base level. We target arena1, we cast a spell at arena1 (so targeting arena1 here does nothing for us except to stop a bug), and then we target our last target. If we are targeting player 3 when we execute this macro, it will simultaneously target player 1, cast the spell, and retarget player 3 as player 3 is your previous target.

A likely problem with your macro comes when we cannot target player 1. If we are targeting player 3 and execute this macro but player 1 vanishes just before, we can no longer target player 1. This means we are still targeting player 3 and targetlasttarget will force our target away from player 3 onto our last target, which may be player 2. If you instead target yourself in the macro, you will always be a targetable, without being a valid target for your spell, and this issue will be nullified.

#showtooltip polymorph(duck)
/target player
/ping [@arena1] assist
/cast [@arena1,exists] polymorph(duck)

I think you’re over complicating your macros and creating issues for yourself. You can condense all your target/cast@123 arena macros into single buttons with modifiers, and if you decide you don’t wish to do that, that’s fine. But having a macro like the one I posted in my first reply works fine, does what you want it to do, and can be made to work with modifiers, or just on a bind of its own without issue because the behavior you posted a clip of is a direct result of the target arena1 and the targetlasttarget. So if you can not target arena 1, it goes to your last target, which is the rogue you poly’d.

Just use /cast [@arena1] Poly with the ping command and modify it for arena123, you don’t need anything else for it to work as intended without having the additional functions in the macro.

Possibly, I will have to try that.

This is the issue they are trying to prevent. If you are far enough out of range (or i guess if they are stealthed, not a valid target, etc) of the designated target of a macro, it will instead cast on your current target even if it is specifically designed to cast on specific target.


I think this is correct. Though bicmex’s advance interface option change does fix the out of range portion even with standard arena123 macros. So its just invalid target, vanished targets, redeemer, and possibly feral kitty. It’s possible that targeting myself first would work. Actually kind of genius you thought of that. Maybe, counterspell is not on the list of spells that have issues and I can use regular arena 123 with it?

So that macro will target last target instead of targeting myself, whether dead or alive, it will target that instead. What is the solution here? I could see this working if the /target player part would target myself, poly arena1 and then targetlasttarget but it does not.

it might be the addon frame sort? I am not sure, I restarted the game and it went back to behaving how it use to.

Do you have the accessibility option on for the soft targeting?

https:// blizzardwatch .com /2022/08/25/soft-target-mode/

Might be causing the issues since it appears to allow you to interact with something you’re looking at rather than what’s targeted

This was set to 0, I am trying 1,2 and 3 now. Also disabling framesort and restarting the game did not seem to help. After you helped me test, restarting the game seemed to bring the issue back.

Huh? Helped you test what?

You are not extramediums? He had some players named impossible and such, that wasn’t you?

I thought he was joking when he was talking about you in third person because he had a character named impossible or something lol. Coincidence I guess.

Naw, not I, sorry. There used to be a druid in this random trade chat guild I’m in that had a name similar to mine on horde tich, but it’s a trade chat invite guild, so they basically invite every one constantly.

Do you have to restart the client after changing Cvars? I changed that value and it behaved differently without restarting the client?

its behaving really weird, the first 4-5 presses of it, when the mob was within 35-38 yards did not take. Then it finally took. Then after I changed the cvar value, it would cs my target when the mob was over 40 yards away. Also, it does not always behave like this. It appears random.

Hey, Fun,

My Druid’s name is kinda similar to cantpossibly’s, so I can see the mix up. I was just browsing this thread when I hopped in your stream to try and help out.

From my experience, cvars will function without restarting the client as I can regularly modify my max pitch to fly upside down, and then revert it and it’s active immediately.

Thank you, again for your help by the way. Oh, and by the way, our changes did not stick. It appears if you have a target focused over 40 yards away, and you are standing in melee range of your target, it will poly him, but if you standing 15+ yards away it will not.

See clip :

is that the exists part of the macro causing that or no?

#showtooltip counterspell
/cast [@focus,exists] counterspell

The problem is, if healer goes redeemer or rogue vanishes or someone is los or out of range. Without /target arena1 in that macro, and bicmexs changes, I believe it will behave like default arena123 macros which we know do not work in dragonflight.

All I know is bitmexs macros and cvar fixes works! Except in 3v3 when you chain them back to back to back.

His macros are:
#showtooltip counterspell
/target arena1
/ping [@arena1] assist
/cast [@arena1,exists] counterspell

#showtooltip spellsteal
/target arena1
/cast [@arena1, exists] spellsteal

#showtooltip polymorph(duck)
/target arena1
/ping [@arena1] assist
/cast [@arena1,exists] polymorph(duck)

Which is fine for 2s, because there are only 2 targets, so you never really lose your target. In 3s, this does not work, if you cs1, ss2 and poly3 and kill target is 1, after polying #3, your game will not know to target #1.

I guess I have to stick to 2v2 until arena123 is fixed :cry:

Hi mate,

I see that 90% of people in this thread have no idea what you’re talking about. In order to work around the “arena target X out of range casts the ability on your target” DF bug, in addition to using target/targetlasttarget, you also need to modify some of the CVars that manage the “soft targeting” functionality they introduced with DF. These vars start with “SoftTarget” and you can change them with the Advanced Interface Options addon. Which ones, I’m not sure exactly, I think Bicmex mentions this in his youtube video on the topic.


making sure the cvar SoftTargetEnemyRange is set to 0.

I haven’t replicated any issues with these macros when adjusted as focus casts, either targeting the focus or self targeting, as long as the above cvar is set to 0.

I’ve been unable to replicate any targeting issues, even when constantly changing focus targets in between macro presses.

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Put /cleartarget instead of /target

/cast [@arena1] polymorph

I also had this same bug with arena123 macros hitting the wrong target. I think it was because I had the “Enable Action Targeting” option turned on inside of arena. When I disabled the option, the bug stopped happening. Look for it at the very bottom of the “combat” options section or use the search bar.

I think the SoftTarget cvars someone mentioned is the same thing, but in my case disabling this in the main options menu stopped the bug.

I tried this. I was still having targeting issues with these macros. If I ss1, cs2, and poly3, and the kill target is arena1, I will have to manually target arena1 to start dps on him again with this macro. Also, iirc, it would also sometimes CS my target with that macro instead of the healer; which is just a standard dragonflight bug when using /cast [@arena1] macros.

Thank you. I just looked and its already disabled. Yea, bicmexs fix works, but its buggy beyond 2 targets when you chain 4 different arena123 spells - for instance ss1, cs2, poly3 and decurse2.

I think I will just stick to 2s, because there is no way I am figuring out this arena123 bug on my own without extensive macro and cvar knowledge. It seems to be dragonflight only. I did not have this issue in shadowlands. Several high rated players knows it exists. I talked to one rank1 who stopped playing caster dps and started playing holy priest dps because arena123 has been bugged this whole expansion. Most people who are 1600-2k do not seem to realize there is a bug, so maybe its an addon issue and them not having some of the addons high rated players have? It’s rare when it happens, like when healer is in reedemer or rogue vanishes or healer is out of los or out of range, standard 123 macros will not work without /cleartarget and /targetlasttarget in them. Rogues are having sap issues with their macros too. Only in dragonflight. So until this is fixed, or a community member like bicmex finds a fix I cannot really play 3s. Sucks. Like, I’m 2200cr in 2s as frost, and I’ve not tried to push, just queuing for fun. I’ve been top 3-10 frost mage on 5 different mages throughout the season queuing with people far under my experience; so I have enough games to know that no matter what I do with my arena123 macros, there will always be targetting issues in dragonflight. Even in 2s they are slightly wonky and will create targeting issues. Having to /target arena2 to sheep arena2 and /cleartarget just so /cast [@arena1] seems broken. These macros use to work without /cleartarget and without /targetlasttarget.

It’s hard to test outside of arena, because both pvp target dummy, guardian, open world mobs, alliance vs horde, all have different player states. I changed these settings bicmex recommended but with:

#showtooltip counterspell
/cast [@focus] counterspell

If your focus is 40+ yards away and you are on combat with a mob who is in melee range of you, it will counterspell the mob instead of saying “out of range”. It appears random too, sometimes it happens and sometimes it does not. Sometimes the bug will go away, not sure if its me adjusting the cvars or disabling addons during my testing? but restarting the game appears to reset the state and it will start doing it again regardless of the cvars and addons enabled.