Still doing it almost 20 years later

Gnomer is my kryptonite, I still get lost there in classic.

I’ve gotten good with the rest, even BRD.

Pick a main. All my characters are alts. Lol

Or alternating mains. I’ll main one for 6 months then get excited for another toon and play that for a bit. It’s a never ending revolving door.

There’s one toon that I fancy my main, but I haven’t touched him since half way through season 3.

Probably keeping cc spells bound for quick use even though they’ve been irrelevant for the better part of a decade now lol.

Another thing I do is collect skulls. Random gray items or anything that’s a skull really. They all go to my warlock in a special bag at the bank. No idea why, I just kept one years ago and now it’s gotten out of control

Somehow opening the inventory screen during a PvP fight.

saán is fighting 3 demon hunters. He’s got them all down to low HP. He’s going for the Mortal Kombat finish!!!.. and…hold up… Apparently, he needs to know how many jars of slime are in his inventory

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Forgetting to reattach my glider to a new cloak and leaping off a cliff thinking I’m about to zoom across the map.

That and farming invincible.


It is okay. Contrary to popular belief, the laws of physics for Earth do apply to Azeroth.

I was running low on breath, so I figured if I used Ice Block to encase myself in ice to “float” to the surface, that I would be safe. Arcane Intellect failed me, as I started to drown shortly after – meeting a watery grave.

I hope Blizzard implements a really cool water toy to propel you to the surface at like Dragon Flight speeds! lol.

Picks up quest I have done a dozen times.

Can see the marker in the mini-map.

NPC is talking and running to location.

Opens map for half a second. ‘Right, it’s there.’

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Been here since 2008, and yeah I fell to my death (yet again) thinking my cat form would be enough to prevent long fall damage.

/equipsoldcloak 30s CD. GG

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What if, and hear me out, they make Azshara the focus of the next trilogy or expansion following the Last Titan, and we get “Sea Swimming” which is just Dynamic Flight but for underwater mounts because we’re going to Nazjatar proper with underwater zones.

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What’s sad is I’ll put it on my bar, I just forget to do the actual tinker :joy:

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It has been 20 years, game came out in 2004.

Nov…so not quite

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Why do I feel like I’ve been playing for 40 years?

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Probably because us old players have 10-15k+ hours invested.
Basically 40 years in terms of gaming lol.


my time played on this toon alone is over 2 years now…i have a lot of alts :smiling_face_with_tear:

I can remember playing my first Warcraft game in 1996. 28 years ago. Somehow time has snuck up on me like the graying of the hairs on my head.

What was just yesterday…Is now a time before most of my coworkers were born. I know things have passed and a lot has happened, but there’s pieces of my past I can touch and see perfectly in my mind as if it were just last week.

I dwell a lot in my past. More than I should and it makes me unaware I’m moving forward faster than I want it to be.

Yesterday is yesterday. If we try to recapture it, we will only lose tomorrow. BC

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


Forgetting which portal is which in the Portal room and running over to the wrong side before being all like

“Oh SNAP!” and then running back in the opposite direction.

Oh it’s not 20 years of doing it…but I always end up in boralis instead of valdrakken cause one would think the current expansions hub would be at the end of the hall