Still doing it almost 20 years later

I keep wanting to change up my UI if only ever so slightly ever so often.

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Responding to something stupid in trade chat.


(post deleted by horde)


Change my keybinds or ui.

Every time I change it I’m thinking this is the one but then, over time something about it irritates me and I change either my UI or keybinds or both.

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Click casting. I still move my darn mouse over every single spell to click it. Don’t have any type of fancy gaming mouse either. I’m talking a Logitech trackball mouse. Super old school and don’t want to change.


I’m starting to slow down in my age. Though I don’t think it’s lack of reflexes, more so the stress from day to day life. I’m just too tired to be able to deal with a good number of mechanics.

Don’t ask me why but this thread made me miss the old zones and the wonder/awe they brought along. The game will never have that again, but it was nice while it did.

Running into the AH only to forget what it was you were going to buy.


Disengage out of bad, without checking the worse behind me.


Complaining about WoW

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hahahaha yep , particlarly a mamoth

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this is real life for me :slight_smile: I was so happy the other day when I entered a room and remembered what I came in there to do , It was teh bathroom but I am still counting it as a win


Here is the winner.

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So im weird because im not a clicker on any of my alts (about 25 of em)…EXCEPT my main that I use for raiding…

To not get lost in Maraudon or Blackrock Depths


Using the ESC key to close map even though I use the ‘M’ key to open it resulting in additional step to close the menu opened up by using the ESC key.

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Still can’t remember to check “Load Out of Date Addons” when there is a major patch.

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I still get lost trying to find the deadlines entrance. Every time.


Same. And I’m not ashamed of it either. :rofl: :smiling_face:

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Riding around on a ground mount completely forgetting you have unlocked flying and can fly to your destination instead.


Been playing a rogue for 18 years, assassination for most of it… still takes me a while when struggling to kill stuff to realize my poisons expired …