Still confused on Crit, Mast, Haste

Can someone who actually knows tell me what I need different on my toon? I have around 29 crit 13 haste 42 or 44 mastery just seems like I"m still not hitting very hard and I’m so confused looking at other Pallys what I need. I have sim and says I should be doing around 1,199,000 which I about average but others say I’m doing bad dmg so Im’ confused. I use to have tons of master little crit and more haste but still did about the same so just trying to figure it out. thanks.

To be honest, from your build to your M+ score I think you’re doing alright.

The rest might just be timing related.
Trying to line up wake with the affixes or certain boss phase etc.

Is that a ST sim?
You say you average that, do you mean in a key?

Crit mastery is better for cleave / aoe it’s prob the go to stat for keys. Haste mastery is best for single target in some situations depending on the group you play with more single may be more in demand

Yeah thats single target Sim and thats the Average I do in a key is 1.4 roughly which compared to others seems low I guess.

i mean stats wont fix your damage, you gotta log your runs and post said logs to get reviewed.

i often touch my st damage in pure st encounters like princess. and my stats are everywhere.

So it’s most likely timing.

We don’t spike as much as we use to and we certainly don’t get close to the classes that do now even with popping literally everything.

I suspect you’re running in the same problem I do.
Pack live for like a little more than 30sec and you don’t feel like reusing Wake?

Personally and specifically with my group of friends, at around 10-11-12 pack duration got awkward depending on who was DPS.

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I’m starting to run into this one a lot. So many packs last right at 40-45 seconds and I’m always so torn on if I should Wake or save it to open on the next pack.


I just wake. The CD is so low and you’re gonna Wake again sometime near the beginning or middle of the next pack. If for some reason you’re not running Radiant Glory then you’d hold Wake/AW.

As far as stats are concerned …
Crit/Mastery for Dungeons
Haste/Mastery for raids

But it doesn’t matter. I got a mix of stats(minus verse) and I’m mostly legendary parses in heroic raid and it’s incredibly abnormal if I’m not top DPS in Mythic+ overall.


you also have to realize that m+ overal damage is a meme and highly dependent if your tank is good or not

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Bro I’m doing 2mil overall in dungeons

Ok, you want to add something insightful as to why he feels like he’s struggling or you just wanted to do a weird flex?

Like I’m trying to offer him avenues/answers as to why it might be “low”.

Some other pointed at the tank pulls themselves.

What are you contributing here?

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Look at my stats and emulate

Lol vers mast

yeah works for me in 12s. Barely ever die

If your concern is optimization, don’t do what this guy does lol. Paladins don’t need to gimp their damage for a couple percent reduced damage when you’re naturally the second tankiest class in the game.

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How about you sim and maybe not eat every frontal you see?

Losing a lot of crit is bad for major damage and a defensive loss cause having every mob do 5% less dam cause hammer crits is really good

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Hi Bro

I rmbr i asked a very similar question regarding itemisation. This was the thread.

Bottomline is to sim. however u might want to decide if having slightly low-ish haste is ok despite the sim telling u its fine.

Personally i ran 33% crit 13% Haste 33% mastery and 1% vers and it worked pretty well for me. I believe i could change a ring and my haste would drop to 8-9% but mastery rise to 39% but finally decided i couldnt live with such low haste.

Finally, listen to the general community here, usually helpful ppl around.


Simming is the only way to realistically get a good idea of your gear set up. Despite what may seems pretty straightforward options, save for some simbait items.

The other half is to get ur rotation pad down including openers as well as understanding the content you are doing, like routes and dmg amp section of the fights etc.

Once both are pretty done and dusted you WILL find your numbers going up.

We also do NOT have a strict stats distro to follow. Whatever your sims tell u is the best, is for you and you alone due to different ilvl/gears in bags etc.

If you are not already in the paladin discord then another choice is to join the community and alot of questions can be asked and answered there (Think of it like a more personalized customer experience). Guide writers are also there to give retrospective views into why certain things are recommended etc etc beyond their guides.


I have 20 percent crit, 37 percent mast. Pretty sure my stats are ok. Maybe I could lose a little more vers for crit but I am pumping in high keys and never dying.