Steve Danuser Sylvanas Info Blizzcon 2019

Bold of you to assume that anyone at Blizzard remembers.

Bolder of you to assume that anyone at Blizzard cares.


At least you can admit to being a hypocrite, now you just need to work on not lecturing people on not doing exactly what you’re already doing.


Go find someone else to bother, Veloran. I’ve exhausted my patience for you, and whatever contributions you can make around here are not worth dealing with you any more for. While this forum format does not have a built in ignore system, I see no reason to burden my enjoyment of these forums with your presence, and so this will be the last time I ever read one of your posts, and obviously certainly respond to one.

If you didn’t want to get mad about being called out for hypocrisy you shouldn’t throw stones from a glassed house.


Wow. It seems even those who were holding on to optimism have finally began despairing in how Blizzard treats the Horde. Sylvanas really can kill hope.

I’m not surprised. I am kind of disappointed and I am surprised by the fact I do feel disappointment. For me the way things are now is just the predictable direction Blizzard has been taking the Horde since the start of BfA or really since Cata.


If it’s any consolation, I’m sorry things have gone so badly for something you enjoyed. Just because I didn’t enjoy it doesn’t mean I wish you had to have a bad experience for it. I, too, wish none of this had ever happened at all in the first place. I was, begrudgingly, fine with Sylvanas until the Cataclysm.


Cause it was time for her to come into the light, I dont understand why sylvanas’s fanbase think she was gonna be in the shadows forever and that all the characters where just gonna be to stupid to ever figure out sylvanas.

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To be fair she is a “tActiCal gEniUs”


At this point I wish they’d just go the Destiny route and have certain characters be aware of the fact that they exist within a game. It’d be more palatable than Sylvanas being the 76D Mahjong master that she is.

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The horde isnt dead because their characters died, the horde is dead because anytime the horde gets a charismatic and/or powerful leader they take em on down to villan town, writing them in very erratic ways.

Thats the problem, its not one character its their writing history, why get behind any leader now as the horde?

You’ve completely missed the big picture. Horde races like darkspear and undead ran dry from a narrative standpoint over with years without many (dynamic and interesting) characters to take up the slot.

Characters generally have very strong connections to those themes and dictate how involved those characters with said themes are present in the story.

Like my gosh, ever since Cairne died I think a majority would say the taurren story has been pretty bland.

We shall see, if she really is that evil, I wonder how long souls have been going directly into the maw. Dont believe that was ever clarified at blizz con (but may be in the near future).

Hopefully that is the case, I really hope blizzard dosent do one of their most storied and beloved characters like that.

bfa has just been like a trainwreck… that wont frickin stop. I do hope tyranda does not turn villan for ya’ll trust me not a good feeling to see a once fine character ran through the gutter for apparently no reason. I think right now its a 51/49 shot if she does. Favoring she stays good.


I think you are confused. We all get why Sylvanas is strong. It’s still dumb, poor construed, and frankly besides a few rabid fanboys (or girls), the community is sick of her.


Maybe because it’s a video game and not something to take so seriously?


John Hight gave an interview at Blizzcon where he specified:

    "This is- I mean- this has actually been part of her plan all along. Certainly in the events in Legion where souls stopped going to the rest of Shadowlands- to the rest of the Covenenats, and they were all going into the Maw. And the Maw is the place where the souls that cannot be redeemed go. And so basically have this shortage of souls going to the rest of the Shadowlands- they're all piling into the Maw- Sylvanas is part of this master plan, and she's going to use that power."

For the rest of your post, I have no idea what Blizzard is doing, and I don’t hazard to make a guess any more.

That’s the thing, they said this, but then didn’t another dev say that the Shadowlands have been messed up for the past few years, whatever that timeframe is, so which is it?


Hum interesting, havent had a chance to catch up on much of the lore stuff yet, I mostly looked into the class design stuff as I mostly pvp.

That prolly mostly implies shes evil, but it isnt necessarily bad to try and change to redeem souls that are seen as un-redeemable.

Who knows, this could go any direction.

I’m still most curious to what Varimathras knew of Sylvanas’ plans this whole time.

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