Steve Danuser Sylvanas Info Blizzcon 2019

Good ol Katiera. I missed your rants.


 Imagine that


I’ve always been very upfront with enjoying any opportunities to be villainous or otherwise “not heroic” in the game. Or any game, really.

That doesn’t mean I can’t complain about the stuff I loved in the game since Vanilla being destroyed.

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My point was more that you probably shouldn’t complain about the stuff you love in the game since Vanilla being destroyed while wishing to destroy the stuff other people loved in the game since Vanilla.


Can’t really wish to destroy something that’s already been destroyed.

Maybe I should clarify. Outside of the usual persona I post with here, I was sad to see Teldrassil go, and 100% would retcon it (and basically all of BfA) if it was within my power. My point in posting that was responding to the idea of the Horde PC going back to save people in Teldrassil that was proposed, since it would be something I would be wholly uninterested in on my Horde characters.

Me memeing about wanting to be an absolute villain in WoW isn’t going to ever stop me from also professing more serious grievances I have with stuff like retconning Sylvanas into even more of a villain.


If “everything you loved about the game” hinged on the depiction of a single character, then maybe you did not care about the game to begin with.


What an assumption to make. Everyone cares about the game in their own way.

I loved the Horde when I bought the game back in 2004. With everything they’ve done to it all the way to the present here and now?

I hope the Horde dies with a pitiful whimper. What a horrible waste of my years, defending and being a fan of the Horde.


Don’t even bother with Pyrogar. They don’t care as long as they gets to laugh at Forsaken fans and anyone who liked the Horde being anything other than the Red Alliance.

It’s less than a waste of time trying to reason with them.



No, I just don’t care too much for Forsaken fans making the sweeping declaration that the whole faction is “officially ruined” just because something they personally cared about was tarnished, but not even batting an eye when other peoples’ favorite parts of the faction were ruined over the years because it doesn’t affect you personally.

Orcs went through 3 leaders and most of their identity can be defined as either “stupid honor” or “stupid ruthless”.

Trolls get their iconic figurehead, who had recently finished a big story arc, axed off so your favorite character gets the spotlight for 3 expansions.

Tauren have their general theme of being the resident preservers of nature completely thrown under the rug to go throw blight all over the place and raise the dead, just because your characters say so.

Night Elves have their entire race nearly destroyed and their home burned to the ground so you can live out your fantasy at the expense of nearly everyone else’s.

But do you care when things that other people like get expended to exclusively push your favorite themes?


It isn’t just Sylvanas fans that think this episode has been particularly bad for the Horde.

I have never specially cared for Sylvanas one way or the other, but I do see what they are doing to her as representative of how they are willing to ruin the Horde to force a sh!t story down our throats.


Keep those assumptions going!

I quit the game over the War of Thorns. Notice I’m only 110?

I do. And Sylvanas being the ultimate evil mastermind behind every atrocity in the setting is not my “theme.”

Enjoy the story you’ve been left with. I hope you enjoy it.


No but Nezmith don’t you see? Sylvanas was featured in it so obviously we must like it, right? Despite the fact that it’s completely ruined her character, ripped away everything that made the Forsaken good, and turned the Horde into a pitiful bunch of Alliance mooks led by the biggest of all of Anduin’s footstools.

According to Pyrogar’s not at all inaccurate and presumptuous ideas of what we think of things, at least.

And this spotlight has taken the Forsaken’s iconic figurehead, who we’ve been waiting since Cata to have any real positive developments, and turned her a 463846×2348(34857+89)d chess playing villain who doesn’t even care about the race she’s been the leader of since WC3.
It’s hilarious that you’re implying I view this “spotlight” that Legion, BfA, and now Shadowlands, along with Vol’jin’s waste, as anything but a complete and utter negative. Why would I like it that my favorite character in the franchise is going through such a horrible arc?

Don’t remember seeing many Tauren doing that outside of those few nameless NPCs during the Battle of Lordaeron. Didn’t those get removed or something?

Besides, what makes Tauren themes oh so more important than Forsaken ones? Just because you like them more?

Not my fantasy, I just embraced the villainy because there’s literally nothing else to take enjoyment from out of it.

I would have been infinitely more okay with Teldrassil not happening, and the Forsaken and Sylvanas staying together over in Lordaeron.

I do, but I’m sure you won’t believe that as long as you’re able to try and make out Forsaken fans as uncaring towards the game just because they like things you don’t.


As far as retcons go, this isn’t quite Vatican II, but we’re definitely creeping into Amoris Laetitia territory.

I wonder if it hurts when they edit and reboot Sylvie’s mind?


I told him multiple times. But kuddo for tyring. Unwillingy, it is his attitude and from others that led us to this Red Alliance shill, $hitshow, 'cause they never cared about the other part of the Horde that weren’t drinking their koolaid on how absolute, and like them, the Horde should be, had a deep booming laugh everytime those same races got $hit on.


He went through the effort of attempting to make his points, so I at least gave the courtesy of responding.


Don’t get me wrong, the story Is terrible. But jumping to the conclusion that the Horde is dead now instead of when either Thrall left, Garrosh was ruined, or Vol’jin and Cairne were killed off, is just insulting to people who like those characters and themes.

Cairne, Vol’jin, Thrall, and Garrosh were all thrown aside, why the hell wasn’t the Horde dead then?! Why is it only when Sylvanas leaves the Horde that now the faction is proclaimed “dead”?

I said nothing about how much more/less important one races theme is over the other, I’m asking why is it that when the Forsaken’s’ themes get trampled on, that’s when the Horde is “dead”? When other races themes’ had already since gotten stomped into the dirt long ago.

Tauren are exclusively pacifistic hippies, Orcs are all about “muh honr”, Trolls and Blood elves are just yes-men to the “Good guys”, Goblins are greedy buffoons, and now Forsaken have become 1-dimensional cackling villains.

What makes the Horde more “dead” now than it was 5 or 10 years ago?

Y’know what, you’re right, Idk what you guys actually think. I can only assume from the behavior I see on social media. Like how many people at Blizzcon cheered when they showed the image of the burning Teldrassil or how some people constantly declare the Horde as “Red Alliance” since their favorite character is no longer part of it.

I wish I could understand.

And I’ve told you multiple times that’s not how I feel at all.

The Horde should be diverse, it should have a light side and a dark side. But not when it comes at the expense of one race over another. In Legion and BfA’s case, every other race has been reduced to mindless henchman who will take everything at face value until it’s literally spelled out for them that maybe what they’re doing is wrong.


Convenient that the other part of the Horde that you’re referring to never cared about the Horde?

Sylvanas canonically never cared about the Horde. It started as an Alliance of Convenience, and it never moved on from that. Gallywix never cared about the Horde. It was a business partnership, and nothing else. The BEs, despite their aesthetics, repeatedly fell in line with the thematics of Thrall’s vision of the Horde 
 so they certainly aren’t amongst the list of “other part of the Horde”.

Essentially, what you seem to be complaining about is that Blizz did not cater to the two leaders of the Horde that were despots just using the Faction, its people, and even their own people 
 for exclusively personal gain?


No. What I’m complaining about is Blizz catering to folks shilling for they sorry excuse of what they call “writing”. You got your Red Alliance, you paved the way for that horrendous result. Even tho we proved you, on multiple occassions, how short-sighted you were with Sylvanas, denying the existence of her being a carrying character and had a chance to grow. And now you must be giggling madly 'cause “Oh so righteously right” you were, since Blizz just retconned years and years of inner thoughts, novels and such. Once again, enjoy being the target audience. I’m done with the lore in this game. I’ll just enjoy the gameplay from now on.


It seems like you’re defining “shill” to just be anyone who likes the current direction of the story. What makes DroitĂ© & co. any more of a shill than, say, DeathIsFinal was when they enjoyed serving Sylvanas in BfA?

Blizzard did this. I don’t like the current direction of the Horde either, but it’s not Droité’s fault that it’s happening.