Steel Dragon: 6/12M <horde- Area-52> lf dps

Steel Dragon: 6/12M 12/12H - Area52
Recruitment Needs:

  • Ranged DPS * Holy Pally * 1-2 Melee DPS for bench/backup
    Raid Schedule * Tuesday ( 7-10PM EST ) * Thursday ( 7-10PM EST ) Optional: Normal and alt runs sometimes on Friday/Saturday night. Goals/History:
    Our team is currently recruiting for a strong core for Shadowlands. We are a semi-hardcore guild on a casual 2 night per week schedule, motivated to achieve AOTC in a timely manner and push as far as possible into mythic in the time provided. Some of our core group has been together since Wrath and as we just moved to Horde for Shadowlands we have spots to fill. We strive to make sure all of our members are up to par on fights and their classes so no issues occur and hold back progression. Currently looking to expand our roster to 25-30 for heroic to insure a solid competitive roster for mythic progression.
    Our Expectations: *
    High attendance (90%+) * Knowledge of your class, spec, and role * Prepared for raid every night Flask/Pots/Food/ Vantus Ruins( If Needed) * 460 ilvl / 75 minimum neck with rank 3 essences Feast/Cauldron will be provided as we further progress. All are expected to come prepared. 10 minute break will happen halfway through raid at a good stopping point. * Be prepared to continuously keep pulling throughout the night (No AFK except during break or officer log checks will be tolerated as our time per week is limited).
  • RL: Alarus - Alarus#1329 , Discord - Alarus#1818
    Discord- Del#3514

As an unbiased observer, the raid leader is awesome! haha :slight_smile:

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Been raiding with the core team for 10+ years. I can’t give a better endorsement than things just work. Guild bank? Done. Discord? Done. Consumables? Done. All the backend work that goes into running a guild gets done so all you need to do is show up to raid. That being said there are reasonable expectations regarding member performance so that raid time is utilized effectively. All members time is valuable and not to be wasted which I immensely appreciate with a busy schedule.

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I just joined this guild last week and have really enjoyed it. I got through Mythic Xanesh with the Dragon and we had a great time. I felt that sense of excitement for the first time in a while when we team-worked the hell out of the boss. I have been in a few guilds this expansion and they were tedious, dull, and bureaucratic. This guild is not that one… we need and would love to have active skilled players to keep things rolling!

Steel Dragon provides, by far, the best raiding environment I’ve ever had (coming from 10~ guilds over the last 6-7 years) and I am excited to see where we take the rest of BFA and roll with us into shadowlands! Message one of us if you’re interested and to see what it’s all about!

Steel Dragon