Name: Morgadu
Class: Resto Druid
Guilds: Prophecy and a few others that I can’t remember atm.
Other Chars: Hukk, Lurion
Just resubscribed last month to try out the new expansion and then rolled a character on a random classic server that didn’t have a wait time on Tuesday.
I was a lurker back in the day, but it is fun seeing the familiar names.
Who was the feral Druid GM from NO that used to troll the forums constantly?
I’ll poke around Grobb soon. Discord is Hukk#8100.
Name: Valwyn
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guild: Knights of Valor
Great to see some familiar names. I’m going through Classic on Ashkandi (Alliance) and maybe will work on Rattlegore (Horde). I forgot that I enjoyed the old mechanics.
Name: Stann
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Guild: ERA, Scions of Darkness, ARMS.
It’s nice to see people still playing, I’m back on WoW Classic on the Bloodsail Buccaneers RP server! Discord is DJPhased#3264. Hope some people remember!
Name: Dowen
Race: Nightelf
Class: Druid
Guild: Iron Circle, Natural Order
Wow so many familiar names! I’m looking for people like Bloodget, Asmo, Adonis, Dreadweasel, and anyone that was close to myself (Dowen, Androgynous) or Chavezz! We have an amazing story to tell!
Also playing on Grobbulus with the same old name, Dowen. Blizzard is あらりちゃん#1481
@Hukk You’re probably remembering Akraen lol
We have a guild Val armed to the teeth run by Mira.
Name: Xaria
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Guild: Emerald Knights, Enders, Apex, Unity
I also played a Night Elf Resto Druid named Zyriel (as well as a plethora of other random characters), who was in so many guilds, I can’t even remember… mostly Emerald Knights, though. I played with a lot of people, depending on the toon - Tubs, Legault, Firelynxx, Ithadwyn, Alindor, Maximost, Metrosh, Frozengoat, Wizzet, Patten, Suffir… the list goes on.
I was a full-time player all through Vanilla and BC (one of three that ran the guild Unity, too). I’ve played off and on since the release of Wrath, but it’s been a few years now since I last played. Super excited about playing Classic and reconnecting with old friends!
Feel free to add me on Battle Net! Xaria#1260
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Xaria! Hope you are doing well! I setup a guild horde side on Pagle server. Wanted to try classic from a different perspective. Been great so far. Wizzet#1302
Name: Argentus
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior
Guild: Argent Exodus
I started a character on the Azuresong server as it had the shortest queues when I started on Classic.
Hey there. Funny to see so many people from AE still active. I ended up migrating my character to Goldrinn when the brazilian servers opened up. Hope all is well with you guys.
Name: Coro / Idariel
Class: Priest / Warrior
Guild: Lore / Argent Exodus
Hi all, good to see some familiar faces! I’m late to the party. Founded and ran Lore when SwC started, took a break and came back to Pantheon briefly, then AE. Hope everyone has been well, seeing these names brings back so many memories.
(coro#1352 on bnet)
A wild Telamir appears! I have a lot of good memories of running five-mans with you (and others) in Vanilla. 'Course Biv was a mage not a lock, but hey, semantics.
This is the first time I’ve logged back into the WoW forums in a few months, I JUST SAW THIS. Hello darling!! You were one of the first people I thought of when I came back. I’m glad to know you’re (both) still kicking around. I’ll try to find you in-game and send you my battletag so we can catch up
Name: Skullmaster
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Guild: don’t even remember anymore
that guy always dueling in goldshire trolling on my horde alts coming back for tbc idk if anyone’s left alive who even remembers be but my healing skills had no equal >:D
This might be a little too late but, anyway.
Name: Tiev
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior
Guild: Patronus Veritas
Would love to touch base with anyone back from the old guild. I’m currently playing a hunter in Bloodsail Buccaneers on the horde side called Zied. Also have a paladin/warrior/druid alt on the alliance side to tank a bit as well. Haven’t decided which to keep levelling yet. Hit me up so we can chat about the day we finally killed Ragnaros with only Chelly alive as a frost mage
Yep I was there as well Casca warlock and mostly played Scrat a rogue. Varoc and Irrelevance took all the Mc and aq stuff and jumped servers.
Name: Ticket
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock
Guild: Enigma
Currently playing with Boagreus on Netherwind. New char: Kiljoye and Flexhammer. Come find us old Enigma!
Dang Nalda. Its Grobnar. long time now see
Name: Grobnar
Race: Gnome/Human
Class: Warrior
Guild: Velocity, Pantheon, Hidden Legends
I had many Alts that i played in other guild.
Hey Resp. Hit me up on disc Littlebopeep#8036