Stealth Breaking Non-stop

Just putting in my complaint about stealth breaking non-stop too. If you’re in a BG or a world PvP zone, you basically have to continually mash stealth to stay in stealth since it breaks every 3 seconds. Stealth is bugged. It makes playing the class useless. Where is the official Blizzard response on this? What is causing it? When is it getting fixed? I know stealth has been randomly breaking for many years now, but this is the worst it has been. Ever. Please give us an update.


even its breaking after vanish + cloak


What’s confusing is, prowl is also broke, but camo works perfectly fine. How much different could they possibly be?


Did some testing with a Warlock friend and when he uses Malevolence stealth breaks with an insane range, like max duel distance and through all line of sight.

Confirmed it has a 100 yard range. So when a Warlock presses Malevolence all targets within 100 yards are unstealthed.


Bump for visibility


I just returned after 15yrs. All I ever played was a rogue main. Preferred PvP.

I noticed right off the bat my rogue constantly coming out of stealth in BGs. Not sure Im going to continue playing, makes the class useless.


Here’s the bug report, add your voices and maybe we get some blue attention.


The bug report is going to be alot longer than that. EVERYTHING IS BREAKING STEALTH.


Found this on reddit.

Edit: Please go post on the bug report to get some attention from Blizzard. We really need this fixed before the season starts. Confirmed abilities breaking Stealth in PvP - #2 by Jo-moon-guard

---- Update - Formatted List ----
Confirmed Bugged:

Warlock - Malevolence - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight.

Warlock - Any shard spenders (Hellcaller hero talent) - 100 yard range AoE stealth break ignoring line of sight. Basically spammable.

Paladin - Divine Resonance (Divine Toll) - Automatic Judgment knocks you out of stealth even while not visible. It appears the range check is what breaks you out of stealth, no hammer is ever thrown at you. Range is limited to 30 yards and line of sight, but knocks you out of stealth regardless of what direction the Paladin is facing.

Frost Mage Splinterstorm - Frost Splinter / Embedded Frost Splinter hit stealthed targets within 20 yards of the mage casting.

Not Bugged:

Monk - Keg Smash - Knocks you out if you're in range of the target that is hit - roughly 8-10 yards.

Warlock - Shared Fate - Damage pulse will knock you out if you are in range of the target being hit - roughly 10 yards.

Ice Lance AoE / Living Bomb from Frostfire Empowerment

warlock seems to be the biggest culprit but DK also seems to have an aura or spell that breaks stealth in the area not sure which one though

Just logged on here to complain about this. I was in Ashran and currently in AB testing it out.

I’m getting unstealthed from miles away. As I’m typing this, my stealth was broke.

This needs a fix pronto!!!

Addtional note, I’m in AB and just spwned at GY. I was immediately in combat and couldn’t stealth.

No horde in sight, but getting hit by Crystalline Reflection.

blizzard hello?

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did you still have DoTs ticking on an enemy after you rezzed? it’s another bug that keeps you in combat until they fall off.

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Hello! Patch notes stated a fix to Malevolence breaking stealth–as of 5 minutes ago in a 3v3 arena skirmish, this is not true. This also doesn’t even begin to address that the one move is not the end-all cause–as can be seen by previous detailed post regarding what players (not Blizzard employees) have found to be consistently causing the bug, there is much work to be done. Blizzard, we are days from season 1.

The act of entering combat - doesn’t break stealth.

I don’t know what you are referring to. the person i responded to is talking about the bug where you are automatically in combat when you spawn at the graveyard so you can’t stealth or mount. That’s related to a bug with DoTs in BGs

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It was a clear and complete sentence.

The topic is about “Stealth breaking non stop” - If you want to talk about other bugs (or other people want to talk about other bugs), this probably isn’t the place for it.

I’m sorry your Aspergers was triggered. Your “clear and complete” sentence was incorrect in the context of my reply. The point of my reply was to point out his bug is likely related to a separate DoT bug in BGs and not the one discussed in the OP.

Glad other people are pointing this out, also cloak of shadows is completely broken sometimes and dosent work at all

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