Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

I don’t care for anything besides 19. Retail a few years back I did the other brackets. But 19 is the largest bracket and the easiest to get into.

i feel like we are talking past each other here.

Those juicy level 1 twinks though…

The only reason I played hunter is because a Night Elf can stealth if not moving. Having stealthed character locations accessible in the combat log nullified my racial and my reason for playing hunter.

I understand that rogues are upset. Spy addon means we Night Elves and rogues lose the advantage of hiding in place near enemies, but at least a rogue still has all class abilities available while stealthed. Rogues can still move about to avoid being found or out of range of detection. No one plays rogue to stand still stealthed somewhere waiting to ambush as their only game plan. With hunter that is my only stealth option, and one I was willing to limit my play to. I lost my only reason to be a hunter. I lost my racial ability.

It didn’t do this exactly.
The location players recived was Spy recording their personal location when they detected said player.
So if you were at 41, 52 and I was at 41, 54 and detected you, the location would be marked as 41, 54.

What it did do however was announce to everyone that hey, a hunter just shadowmelded within a 400 yard diameter of the location we saved for you. With that information people would pop catseye elixirs, put on some goggles, or just search/AoE for you.
That was a huge problem in my opinion.


Seriously, its been 3 weeks of Spy-Addons and more weeks of faction imbalance. Yet, this PVP player joined yesterday on the forums.

Slight correction
It lets you know that there is a rogue druid or night elf
CASTING stealth prowl or shadowmeld.
If they are already in these states, you remain clueless about them.

I had a lot of fun the other night in WPVP prowling around with detection up marking and tailing enemy rogues.
Friendlies just watched for me then shot flares etc.

Of course when the enemy caught me, they would kill me and camp the hell out of my corpse, but thats ok, all they got out of it was 1 no honor kill

the location is not in the logs
It is not your location someone using spy reports, it is their location at the time they heard someone cast the ability.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned that since players can auto target with the spy addon, a priest can auto minds eye a rogue as soon as he revives ( and remain not flagged for combat, if say theyre both in IF ). If said priest is grouped with…lets say a mage. He spam pings on the map where the rogue is running. Mage beelines it to the location and spams AOE. How anyone can justify such a thing is beyond me.

  1. Blizzard’s API has “protected” all target functions (i.e. third party addons can not call these functions).
  2. All actions based events require a player’s action (i.e. mouse or key event).

Depending on your definition, i can auto target you with no addon
and blast you with faerie fire.

Boring as hell to me to fart around waiting for you to drop out of stealth or what not, but i could do it, if i was that damned bored or what not.

from a warlock LMAO

they can justify it because they:

  1. never played vanilla
  2. don’t know the add-on came out in BC
  3. have no eyeballs and like to play video games that only tell them how to play instead of enjoying it in their own capacity
  4. love eliminating competition
  5. never spent time leveling a rogue and learning that one add-on makes your class entirely useless

Translation: i cant get garaunteed openers and kills 100% of the time. I am mad that there are some classes/skills that can still detect me. I should be 100% undetectable, 100% of the time. I dont like having weaknesses.

And this is why Rogues in retail are a 100% abomination-bich class.

You have a built in spell that detects invisibility. You are an anti stealth class…you are being a complete clown.

  • Wrong
  • Mostly Wrong

Iirc, your excuse last month for being level 39 over a week long period with a holiday weekend was something like, “I was busy with real life family stuff.” Fair enough.

But you also said in that post that you would be leveling over the week and that you’d be higher level in a few days.

That apparently didn’t happen either.

Now you are using a completely different excuse.

So, which one is it - your old excuse or your new one? I smell a level 60 priest troll who rolled a rogue alt to 39 and stopped and is claiming to be a “real rogue” for the purposes of your using that ostensible status as justification to give credence to your contrarian viewpoint.

And, I’m not looking, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you edited or deleted that previous post where you used a completely different excuse for not leveling up than the excuse you are using now.

Uh what? Warlocks, humans and anything else with any level of stealth detection can find me just fine. I’m not here complaining about that am I? I’m saying the add-on that lets you brainlessly target any enemy player within range instantly, whether actually knowing they are there or not. It’s pretty busted. Call it immersion. Call it whatever you want. You shouldn’t know I’m there without seeing me. Can players macro a /target for certain players? Sure. This add-on takes it to a new level, though. This extends to other classes that can’t stealth as well. I’m caught by surprise all the time by players I don’t see, using TERRAIN to their advantage.

Wow, that is probably the greatest use of fallacious straw straw man argument that I have ever seen. Textbook example. You must have learned that one from Donald Trump.

I did not say any of those things. I’m merely asserting that a new addon that has come about during Classic which was not (or practically never) used during vanilla that breaks a core mechanic of a class should be modified to be more in line with the spirit of vanilla.

I played from the week of release
Did not make it on day 1 but

There have been others that came before.

Nah, you got me there, i was never very good with my rogue
it’s been level 19 for 15 years

I do play a druid, and being lower level, aside from running around healing people, stealthing and reporting and finding stealthed enemies is mostly what i do in WPVP, i dont use an addon for it, i have built in ability.
before the combat range limit, i would even run around spamming from prowl to shadowmeld to travel causing stealth reports for anyone using spy to appear all over willy nilly.
I’m an honorless kill, i die no biggie, come back and do it again, even get some other low level friends to join in the fun