Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

But I like Pitbull…

Stealthing makes a weird magic whooshing noise…

The only coordinates that can be accurately displayed are my own, not things I target. Of all the things you’re mad about this is the dumbest one because not only are grid squares fairly large in WoW, but the Combat Log has a particularly long range and is omnidirectional. By the time I systematically hop in a spiral from my location with Arcane Explosion, you could just as easily back up 10 yards and watch me be an idiot and waste my time and mana.

If you’e a Rogue who just pops Sprint and myopically focuses down an opponent with zero awareness of their actions… you could gut every single addon in existence and you’d still suck. Hahaha…

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you can twist the conversation which ever way you like to fit your narrative, but it does not fit everyone’s narrative. Keep on telling yourself its not cheating, but it is.

Compelling. You still haven’t actually explained why it is supposedly cheating and you didn’t actually refute my satirical definition based upon your complaints.

“It is cheating!!!”
“Yeah that’ll convince Blizzard to spike this addon haha”

I have. But you are like arguing with a wall. I will move on now. Have fun with your crutches. :slight_smile:

Link it then.

Oh… never mind, you haven’t. Bye troll!

Rogue tears are hilarious

Guys, you know you can literally kill most classes in equal gear before they can even get off their mounts atm since we have no PVP trinkets right?

Spy and addons like it were around in vanilla, they can be replaced or their loss compensated for by reading the combat log. They are also difficult to break in any significant way since they just read and extrapolate what they see in the combat log into relevant information.

QQ more


As explained again further on down in the post, you are incorrect .

I get the frustration of losing the COMPLETE element of surprise, but as a rogue, you still get to pick and choose your engagement so you don’t lose the entire advantage. You still choose when to attack.

Also, no one’s fault for using tools available when Blizzard made stealth a reportable status in our logs :woman_shrugging:


I’ll reiterate. The add-on doesn’t change the way the game is played, because the combat log already does what this add-on does.

If you disable this add-on somehow, people are still going to notice rogues going in stealth.

Spy does not change the way the game is played.

The particular complaint about rogue stealth being detected in the combat log could very easily be changed without breaking other add-ons by simply removing “X gains Stealth” as a message that appears in the combat log.

As for Spy in its entirety, it’s not so easily broken without interfering with other harmless add-ons.



Furthermore, most zones are pretty decently populated. Spy can be a major distraction and nigh useless in places like Felwood where not only are you catching tons of hits for people in camps on the other side of the road from you, but all the folks traveling by FP overhead as well. I swear people act like it gives me some sort of auto-target feature that swings the camera around and tracks them with a nice outline to boot…

This would indeed be the easiest change to make to protect leaving/entering Stealth and Prowl from showing up in the Combat Log at all, but that’s assuming there is an easy line of code to patch-in to do that. Plenty of events do not show in the Combat Log, but these are usually hidden triggers and other back-end things that cause NPCs to spawn or react to you or bosses to engage new tactics at set percentages of health and so on.

So I highly doubt any such change will occur just from a labor standpoint. On top of that, it opens the door to demanding that all manner of other player abilities be hidden from the Combat Log, such as preventing anyone from seeing buffs applied unless Detect Magic is on the player. Funnily enough, the amount of info we could access actually expanded moving forward, so this is also a non-starter as Blizzard has already made it clear such information is intended to be known.

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Because some people genuinely think that’s what it does due to the constant anti-add-on propaganda spewed on the forums.


What advantage does a big warning with coords give you? hard question you cheater.

For example…


Little slow on the uptick, aren’t you?


1/10 trolling EZ report

The Spy addon scans the combat log for actions performed by enemy players and announces their presence when they are detected. By warning you about nearby enemy players you can prepare for possible PvP combat. If an enemy player is detected Spy will attempt to determine their class, race and level based on the ability that was used. It will then sound an alert and add the enemy player to the Nearby List. Spy can be configured to announce enemy player encounters and share data with other Spy users in your party, raid or guild.

The Spy Window

The Spy window will initially appear under your character portrait, but can be moved by dragging the title bar. The title bar contains the following buttons:

  • Stats : Opens the Statistics Window which shows a list of all enemies encountered
  • Clear : Manually clears all enemy players that have currently been detected.Holding the Control key down while clicking this button will turn Spy off / on while leaving the window displayed.Holding the Shift key down while clicking this button will turn off / on all audio alerts.
  • Left/Right : Used to navigates between the Nearby, Last Hour, Ignore and Kill On Sight lists…
  • Close : Hides the Spy window. Spy is configured by default to show itself again when the next enemy player is detected. Alternatively you can type /spy show to manually show the Spy Window.

The Nearby List

As enemy players are detected they will be added to the Nearby list. Hovering over entries in the list will display a tooltip with the enemy player’s details, including the last seen time and location. Right-clicking on them will displays a drop down menu which will allow you to:

  • Remove the enemy player from the Nearby ist.
  • Add/remove the enemy player to/from your Ignore or Kill On Sight list.
  • Announce the enemy player’s details to a chat channel of your choice.
  • Set multiple Kill On Sight reasons, if the player is on your Kill On Sight list.

If enemy players remain undetected they will be removed from the Nearby list after a configurable amount of time. The Nearby list will always sort by the time each enemy player was initially detected, with enemy players who are on the Kill On Sight list or actively performing actions being placed at the top of the list. Spy is configured by default to switch back to the Nearby list when the next enemy player is detected.

The Kill On Sight List

The Kill On Sight list is for enemy players you especially want to know about. When enemy players on your Kill On Sight list are detected a warning will be displayed and an alarm will sound. You can use the drop down menu to add/remove enemy players to/from the Kill On Sight list, or hold the Shift key down while clicking an entry in the list to add/remove enemy players.

The Ignore List

The Ignore list is where you can place enemy players you have deemed harmless. Spy will not generate any alerts for enemy players on your Ignore list. You can use the drop down menu to add/remove enemy players to/from the Ignore list, or hold the Control key down while clicking on an entry in the list to add/remove enemy players.

The Last Hour List

The Last Hour list displays enemy players that have been detected in the last hour. It will always be sorted by the time each enemy player was initially detected, with those most recently detected appearing at the top of the list.

The Statistics Window

The Statistics window contains a list of all enemy encounters. By default it is sorted by the last time an enemy was detected. It can be also sorted by name, level, guild, wins and losses. The Statistics window also provides the capability to search for a specific enemy by name or guild and has filters to show enemies that are marked as Kill on Sight, with a Win/Loss or entered Reasons.

Would be good advice expect for situations where that is unavoidable. Stealth in classic also makes your character much slower. I also don’t know when a player is there until I see them. So I would have to be in stealth near 24/7 for this trick to be useful.

In vanilla, for example, I would be mounting by and see someone fishing or a player fighting a mob. I would then sneak up on them in stealth.

I can’t do that in classic. Big change.

As regards this specific scenario I would want to know what the range of the combat log is and whether it outranges how far you can hear the stealth noise from.

But the general point I agree with.

A hypothetical scenario I think about is, what if the developers left an Easter egg in the game? Say that while you’re fighting Hogger, if you hit up down up down left right left right B-A B-A /dance, then you are suddenly level 60 equipped with full T3 and everyone automatically bows as you walk past.

Nobody found this in vanilla, or maybe a few people did but kept it on the downlow. Eventually somebody did in Classic. Now everybody’s doing it.

Should it be removed? I assume you’d say yes. So would I. The fact that the option was there in vanilla, to me, is not important enough to justify letting the game devolve into nothing but dancing with Hogger and slaughtering everything in full T3.

Extreme example, but sometimes those make the point best.

Absolutely bro! I too am curious of the range of this detection. In fact, I plan on testing it out with some friends today in duels.

From experience so far though it appears to be extremely large, like around 80 yards.

It shows the coordinates the user of Spy is at when the stealth player did something that registered in the combat log.
It doesn’t show the coordinates where the Druid or Rogue were.