Steady Flying

Why is this strawman?

OP asked to remove the achievements to get access to TBC Flying, because he doesn’t like Skyriding.

In War Within you’re not forced to play 3 seasons to get your TBC Flying unlocked, you just have to finish the main campaign and explore the zones. That is, in the very first day you can have it available.

And along with this argument, about whether people LIKE or NOT Skyriding, then there were people (some very disrespectful, hateful and hurt people) arguing that anyone disagreeing with removing the achievement is mocking people with disability.

So, the argument turned out whether people were being prevented from playing or not the game. Well, the case is that you don’t need Skyriding to unlock your TBC Flying.

Therefore, invalid argument.

You want another argument?

Skyriding is the default flying and preferable method. Period.
Blizzard acknowledges TBC Flying as an accessibility option. Non-debatable.

If you CAN’T or DON’T want to use Skyriding, you can get your campaign done and explore the map, then unlock TBC Flying, by just playing the game (and you just do it once).

So, what is the problem? You want Skyrding and TBC flying to have the same treatment?

That’s a fools argument and you’re not getting any empathy here, and you’re not going to change anything.

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