Stay In Your Lane

Depends on how stupid they are. Don’t pick a packed theater at 8pm come in during a matinee. Don’t start with the guy in front start in the back. Don’t yell DEATH TO INFIDELS at the top of your lungs and do a large hollywood stab, sit behind, cup the mouth, stab at the base of the neck move to the next person.

I think…I think you’re getting a little off-topic there :no_mouth:

Nope still on topic, same effect different optics

If I walk through idk an old folks home beating people to death with a bat people will say :open_mouth: “Oh my word what is wrong with people” and stop caring. Shoot them, and you’ll hear the gun restriction nuts flare up and I’ll have to hear about gun rights for a whole week :laughing:

You quit a dungeon without finishing it because you were upset about the use of a weak aura.

That is rage quitting.

quitting because they’re fed up and at a breaking point.

Don’t make me throw my gnomish defense beach ball at you. :volleyball:

I don’t mind the addon because at the level I run, high enough where a lot of casts are trouble if they get off but disc is overkill, feels nice to just call dibs on a marker to kick. Better than people all tunneling one goliath :surfing_man:.
I feel like it’s something best turned off unless tanking, though.

Off topic but this week has been weird PuG wise. Got a good amount of rating and a full 278 vault on my main for the first time in weeks, but also had a +9 disband before the keystone ever got put in…

I suppose that’s like “literally” being used when “figurately” is meant.

So yes, by that definition, walking calmly out of an instance without yelling at anyone or losing my temper is “rage” quitting. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I entirely understand. Premium is just a feature that takes backups of your addon settings and provides you with BMAH listing notifications, which seem to be the crux of your argument.

So, you probably already know, but I’m in favor of a cooldown or something that prevents newly transferred characters from bidding on the BMAH for a 24-hour period. I don’t think we’re very far apart on this issue.

I just don’t think TSM is to blame. TSM is doing nothing that someone with pen and paper couldn’t do when it comes to BMAH listing index.

I think the blame lies in the fact the BMAH is a complete disaster that is unfair to people who aren’t on at very specific times of the day. I’ve made a couple of threads, with the most recent one containing several various suggestions, to make the BMAH less degenerate than it is now. I can link you that if you want.

Typically dropping from a keystone without the group/group lead deciding to mut. disband is considered rage quitting, no matter the sentiment/emotions attached.

Edit: poor wording. The non-nuanced, what everyone in your party would assume happened, version of rage-quitting is above. Last part is kind of wrong to say, since annoyance at the very least is assumed.
I’m gonna stop being academic about this.

Google’s definition I think is the one most people think of, it’s certainly the one I think of

angrily abandon an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating, especially the playing of a video game.

The key in this definition and you two’s discussion is “angrily” I don’t have to be angry to leave a dungeon. I’ll just think “these people are stupid and I don’t want to be here” and deuce. So since I didn’t do it angrily I didn’t “rage quit” I just left :person_shrugging:

It isn’t even a matter of “stupid” to me. We had one about a week ago where the healer and one DPS joined together. Neither of them understood English and neither of them knew the basic mechanics of the instance let alone the path or the affixes.

After about 10 minutes of fighting against this I called it and left. The two guildies with me did the same.

The two who didn’t understand English weren’t stupid. They just didn’t know English. As far as I know they might have been fluent in six other languages, just not English, and we had no way to directing them.

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^ This is absolutely correct. It’s for calling out interrupts.

While there are any number of pulls in M+ dungeons that require coordinated interrupts, other good examples are the casters on the platforms of the Lich wing in Theater of Pain, and the double Goliath pull in Spires.

The number of people talking in this thread who don’t even understand this makes me a sad mouse. :frowning_face: :mouse:

Not everyone has been running M+ the whole XPAC.

Of those who have been, not everyone pays much attention beyond “Follow the tank” and “Keep my DPS meters running” unless they’re in organized groups.

While I love it when I do run into PUGs that know the mechanics and paths and don’t make me want to pull my hair out, they’re the exception at low keys and not universal at middle keys.

I’m working to build an M+ guild, but lordy it takes time and the semi-PUGging that’s necessary while I’m building it doesn’t help the morale of the group I’m trying to play with in the long term.

Op,I don’t think the addon is bad but the players in the group should know better.In a raid that is ok but a tank(normally the tank is the lead) should have the responsibility to place them not the others in the group and i do hate them in a dungeon.

The WA in question sets square, moon, star etc as interrupt targets and skull, x as priority kill. It wasn’t written for random pugs that can’t /setfocus and kill a different target than they’re kicking.

Lmao another lame tank with an overinflated sense of worth. My guy youre doing +10s and think markers are indicative of a kill priority. You dont even know what youre doing. Calm down and learn how to tank first. I promise you no one uses markers for anything outside of calling interrupts.

Here’s the most recent topic in question BTW:

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I understand that fully.

My issue is that very few people outside of the 15+ crowd do (or at least that’s my experience in PUGs so far) and the WA is configurable - I’ve seen at least one instance where the Skull marker was put on ME - overriding what another person put there.

It’s chaos and confusion for anyone not yet fully versed in M+ behavior.

If I COULD use it as intended, I absolutely would, but at the level I’m able to PUG and train folks in my own Guild, that’s not possible yet.

In any case, as a coordinated effort it’s just fine.

But imagine three people running separately altered versions of this thing and not telling anyone they’re doing it - see how well that works without voice comms or anyone acknowledging that they’re doing it.

I only have control over what I do. I can’t control the chaos inflicted on the group by folks who don’t understand the tech they’re using.

I’m asking that that at least in PUGs they not use it - leave it to the Tank to request it or do it himself.

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Just stop.

Yeahhhhh marking is not exclusive to tanking.