Stay In Your Lane

Apparently there’s a relatively recent “good idea gone bad” Weak Aura that marks targets automatically.

Please, unless you’re tanking, do not use this.

Whatever nutjob wrote this needs to add a load filter for “tank” so it doesn’t conflict with the tank’s responsibility to control pulls and set targeting priorities.

I’ve had two runs recently (just this past week) on my tank were a healer (in one) and a hunter (in another) were marking targets (didn’t find out who until later).

I stopped the run for a moment and said, “Stop marking targets” - no response - continued - same thing - I said, “Stop marking targets” - no response.

This went on about 3 more times and I finally just left.

After I did, I got rage whispered from the Healer who had been marking them who said, “It’s an addon” - like that excuses ANY non-Tank from making such a hash of an M+.

To make matters worse, the symbols placed don’t seem to be following the traditional priority list (skull/cross/square/moon…).

I’m guessing whoever wrote that POS WA inverted the priority list (the traditional priority list starts with symbol #8 and goes DOWN, not symbol #1 going UP).

Just as a PSA - if you’ve downloaded and isntalled that Weak Aura (still don’t know which it is) - and you’re in a class that doesn’t tank, remove it.

if you’re in a class that occasionally tanks, set the load conditions to limit it’s use to when you’re in tank spec only.

I’m not averse to simply walking out of a key, mine or someone elses, if I’m having to fight to communicate priorities to the group and since virtually no one will use Discord and typing commands while fighting is a true PITA, target marking is all I really have left.



I agree, Blizzard needs to break combat addons once and for all.


There’s nothing wrong with the addons themselves.

It’s misuse of them that I have an issue with.

If I, as a tank, set priorities using an addon, it’s on me to make sure that whatever process I use is clear, correct, and timely.

This POS thing is just awful though. Backwards priority symbols and any idiot can run it which means that as it checks for “is a target already marked” it just goes a little berserk.

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IMO WeakAuras and TSM are 2 addons that need outright banning/destroying by Blizz. Those 2 addons step over the line much like previous addons that Blizz destroyed in the past when they became too damaging to the game.


How the heck is this allowed, but other automated stuff isn’t?

It has no effect on combat. It’s just informational, or it is if it’s not badly written and run by competing clients at the same time. :slight_smile:

Addons cannot play the game for you.

They add a layer of information availabilty - that’s all.

The issue here is that a) it’s poorly written and b) it’s the tank’s job (and only the tank’s job) to set target priorities and in the absence of voice comms, the marks are all there is.

And lots of “automated” stuff is allowed, both through 3rd party addons and in-game mechanics.

This isn’t about “addons are bad” it’s about DPS and Heals staying in their lanes.

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TSM isn’t a combat addon, nor does it do anything automated. Just because bots could use it doesn’t mean the problem is with the addon itself.

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Wasn’t there a version of decursive that automatically decursed or an add-on that automatically selected your heal? This was way way back when.

But it’s just so odd that this was considered bad automation, but auto targeting isn’t.

It’s not auto-targeting.

You can’t target based on a target marker other than manually.

It’s a communication tool - that’s all.

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Yeah, but I’m saying it’s automatically marking targets isn’t it? That’s taking power/ responsibility away from the players and streamlining the experience.

How is that different than the old Healbot that used to select my spell when I healed. (I may be misremembering the add-on name).

I’m not saying this is a bad thing. I’m just wondering why this would be allowed, but other things that streamline combat aren’t.

I prefer good idea. bad idea

By this point in the expansion people know what the kill priorities are. That isn’t the point of the WA. Its to coordinate interrupts and cc for high end M+. In necrotic wake and pulling the two guys who fear. It marks them so you can say got first interrupt on star.

Second how do you know that they don’t primarily tank. I have it on all of my tank toons and no I’m not going to go messing with it just because I’m healing a random group. I’ll try not to mouse over and activate it in anyway if asked politely unless the situation call for it (marking mistcaller so I know the first two parts of the maze and placing markers at the correct entrance after that.)

Third and this one is based completely off logic. If you are marking kill priority anyway than it takes the same number of clicks to overwrite the marker as it does to place it. This doesn’t make your life any more difficult. The only exception would be if they moused over and rewrote it. I’ll be honest if you acted rude about it when first bringing it up I’d probably just troll you and than help the person push their key by tanking myself.

Of all the things to get irritated by this seem like one none really should be.

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Lol wut. Pump the breaks there my guy.

What key range are we talking?

Anything worthwhile would be in disc to coordinate interrupts and dmg.

Anything puggable there isnt anything to pay attention to marks so they are irrelevant.

If they don’t know the purpose of this WA I’m guessing below a 12.

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Believe me, I’m absolutely in favcor of using Discord for coordination, but the facts on the ground are that if you’re not in a guild big enough for multi-shift M+ runs you’re gonna end up pugging a LOT.

My point is that it’s confusing.

There’s utterly no reason a Healer or DPS should be marking targets unless they’ve been asked to.


I don’t care what the context (M+, Raid, whatever) or the key level is.

It’s not their job.

And when they do it, either manually or through an addon, they’re out of their lane.

I agree with your OP. People who have the addon in PUGS should probably turn it off. Especially if someone asks.

The WA that we use isn’t generally assigning Kill order, it’s assigning kick/CC priority. We use it in our push keys. I know I’m generally shearing X, but I can also call to my party in coms “Someone get next X”. I believe it also uses different markers for units that have an un-kickable cast that needs to be stuned/feared/etc.

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I’ve been cramming +6s all week because a) that explosive thing is impossible unless you’ve got a coordinated group and b) it’s just fun.

But the key level doesn’t matter.

No DPS or Healer should be marking targets, ever, unless specifically asked to by the Tank or group lead.

Not necessarily, it can be anyone’s job as long as it’s clearly communicated beforehand. In BfA I did a lot of pre-made M+ with people from a community I belong to, and often one of our DPS would do the marking because he ran a LOT more M+ than our tank (or any of the rest of us for that matter). He also used Mythic Dungeon Tools to show everyone the most optimal route before the key was started.

If it wasn’t discussed beforehand though then only the Tank should be marking, no one else, automated or otherwise.

I understand what it’s for, but it’s confusing folks because most of THEM don’t know what it’s for.

Because Blizz picks and chooses what they are ok with.

Yep, Blizz had a problem with it and fixed it. Auto marking has been around since at least Wrath so they probably don’t care.

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