Stay away from Jom Gabbar

Who are the streamers playing som? Biggest streamers, esfand and asmon aren’t really playing it.

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They are known for, not currently doing it. They dont play on pve servers, and no point if all the streamers fled to their safe spaces.

I haven’t seen anything like this in game. And when I do I report it.

The server with the most players has the most toxic ones as well my goodness statistics and demographics are crazy.


This guy lol.

We cant let these degenerate gamer types say mean things it must be stopped!



as said on other topics now, you HAVE to roll on this server since the others are dead. LOL


Uhh you shoulda seen alliance side since the rittehouse case, you would think he’s the hero of the alliance. It’s kinda died down a bit thou

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well yeah someone who names their toon citygirl is not gonna survive very long on that server.


There’s definitely a good amount of “toxic” types on Jom, but it’s also not that bad overall… I think it just stands out a bit more because of how high the population is overall.

Personally, I’m having a blast there, the shear amount of wpvp when I’m trying to quest can get a bit tilting since I’m trying to rush from x9 bracket to x9 bracket to rank up while leveling, but I also know how awesome black rock mountain is gonna be during prime time raid windows and that everyone is eventually going to end up here when their smaller servers die

As a black guy playing on Alliance on Jom its not so bad. But TBH racist, toxic behavior is more prevalent online now than it has ever been before IMO. (im 33, been playing online games for 20years now). So i mean… Its never been a safe space for minorities. The gaming community speifically is full of incels. Just go to any “Gaming” discord and see what you get. Basically ultra right wing CoD chat.

Ill blame that on parenting first and foremost, culture second.


I think you might be projecting with this post. Just a little bit :wink:

newsflash, everyone is like that on every server
I’ve been in 2 guilds so far on barman shanker that both had incidents of anti-semitic screeds from multiple members.
just gotta deal

JG is the literal butt hole of the wow community

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There’s no need for a safe place. Jom is simply for obnoxious people.

Forget about hurt feelings no one gives a crap. People talk garbage on the internet daily since forever that’s not a big deal.

Jom simply is an attractive server for these toxic tryhard players. Why would I wanna play on a server full of kiddy tryhard attention seekers? Vanilla servers don’t die in 3 months like these kids want to spook you into believing. They think they’re still playing garbage tbc, we don’t have that problem here.


People are just coping that they can’t hang on the mega server

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Is this your first day on the Internet? WoW has been full of that forever. The Barrens chat in 2005 was probably far worse than it is today.


To be honest the most mild things are labeled racist, I am a black immigrate to canada and being asked where am I from is considered racist.

It’s just ridiculous how overused that word has become.


Wow, how insensitive to blind people, and insulting in general.

You should stay on that server. You fit in well.


If Jesus didn’t create them for our amusement and disdain, we wouldn’t have such great terms to use. Be grateful to the lord that we have some punchlines in life.

Anybody can still roll on Jom and it’s just been a little over a week since SoM came out. You aren’t special, better, or more intelligent for rolling there like you seem to think you are.

What I’ve noticed is that the vast majority of people who want to play on mega servers would be just as happy with every retail feature: LFD, LFR, CRZ all of it. Retail with a Vanilla skin would be just as fun for them as long as they can play a single-player game with a group lobby element and get the gear and parses as it’s all about fast groups, gear and parses. They don’t care about having a quality server community in the slightest thus not caring about this stuff.

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