Stay away from Jom Gabbar

It’s a fact that Jom is toxic and full of tryhard players that want to min max and begin raid logging as soon as possible.

It is night and day different on other servers. It feels like vanilla instead of classic which was full of retail players.


Based server


You should have been in the Jom Gabbar discord as the server launched. 80 people in voice chat half yelling the n word nonstop.

Plus horde side has rock apes run by that psycho tinyviolin and pirates who actually advertise that the n word encouraged.

You honestly can’t be shocked

jom is our battlegroup and it is racist, sexist, and toxic as hell

i wish I could ignore a whole server, but imma just ride the wave of their desperate chad pugs in bgs, then waltz back to mine for ranking… thanks turds

I don’t think you know what these weirdo terms mean.

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I’m absolutely shocked the server DOGZ, Grizzly, and other, innumerable toxic pserver guilds rolled on and gaslit other guilds into rolling on, in an effort to make a megaserver, is turning out to be an absolute cesspit of hate and bigotry. I certainly couldn’t have predicted this.


i checked out the servers discord and was gone within minutes


that is wow boomers for you. super toxic.

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Alliance I don’t think has been too stuffed to the brim with that behavior. Trade chat is pretty bad though. There’s a lot of people in there who will express their opinions on the KR case result just to try to get a response from people. There was even a person who responded to my guild’s officer during a recruiting attempt with one sentence: “KR case result, good or bad?”

Presumably the answer decided whether or not he’d join, but we can’t assume which answer he preferred.

JG started as a toxic pit before the server launched, and now that people are fairly segregated in their own social pockets, I promise you it’s still there, just less visible.

There are entire guilds dedicated to being edgelords though, I do know that.

I’ve managed to find a guild who doesn’t seem to be ultra edgy but some of the members still are, and I don’t think they’ll last in the guild personally.

Don’t play JG if you can’t tolerate edgelords.

Well I mean it’s a very happy moment when an innocent man isn’t unjustly convicted. Why wouldn’t everybody celebrate that?

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Jom is unironcally 10/10 based. I love seeing the coping.


That sounds like a particularly gross server situation. There are people like that on every server, but they usually stick to general chat and riling each other.

On Obsidian Edge Alliance, I’ve seen very little of this, and none in player interaction…only in the standard chat channels where trolls say outrageous crap to get people going. Mostly, the trend here is to try and out-gross the last guy with sexual jokes rather than racist stuff.

It’s not as bad here as what you’re describing there.

If you moved servers, I think that might help the issue. I will pay closer attention, but I’ve seen nothing in player interactions/groups to indicate nasty racist jerks as a large pop. here on OE.

That’s unfair. I get that you’re upset about what’s going on with your server, and you have every right to be, but this was unkind.

and you stay away from obsidian edge

There is a difference between an edgelord and a hateful, hurtful racist. Huge difference.

That some people don’t seem to understand the difference is…disappointing.


I was in the discord before SoM launch and could see this is exactly what it would be and made sure not to roll on it


it is more fun*

on retail wow you can get mass reported by 5 butthurt people in all chat and get chatbanned for a month. I’ll take this server anyday. I’m glad i rolled on it and i didn’t even know it was gonna happen.

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in the biggest wpvp rank pushing guild on server and have literally not seen a single racist thing…

Maybe you’re just a little to sensitive?


I remember playing on Faerlina and every time I saw someone typing in spanish, people would say toxic/racist stuff to them. On Jom gabbar I have seen a LOT of guilds recruiting in in spanish and I haven’t seen a single person saying stuff like that, being toxic or racist. I’ve seen what you consider racist (I think) but isn’t that just some inmature people being edgy ?

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

Just how long have you been playing this game?? This behavior has been around since the launch of the game in Nov 2004. It’s the internet. You are going to encounter bad people like it or not.

Everything you listed can be turned off and I believe if you ignore someone it hides their say chat as well.

If none of it is directed at you then there’s no reason to get upset over it since you can simply ignore it by not reading any of the chat or block it out completely so you don’t have to see it at all…


I dont thnk you’ll be farming anything OP, lol.

The guilds that are most toxic are known for endlessly farming, streamsniping, and coordinating attacks to grief others. They will be the ones farming YOU. Good luck, tell me when you ragequit.