Static flying limitations

So, this may not be a popular take, but why not bring back the flight whistle? I was able to get around using it when I didn’t have regular flying. I miss it.

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Skyriding gives me motion sickness. The Beta motion sickness options do not work. I really hope they get it fixed before The War Within goes live.


Guess I will have to keep my barf bucket by my side, how hard is that?


It has nothing to do with if it is hard (for you). It’s absolutely unneccessary to lock BC flying behind any achievement if you don’t lock skyriding as well. And I can even agree on that, while I don’t miss BC flying at all for now. I actually like skyriding.

Other people have problems with it. Why and what problems they have was stated often enough in this and other threads.

And…If you can use skyriding and like it and others can’t. Why should they have to walk on the ground with ground mounts, while you can enjoy skyriding? That’s entitled as f***.


Amen it is Kilturs…its discrimination against player base that has physical and or mental issues with skyriding aka dragon flying vs TBC flying…yes it can be a mental block to some players now…


I only have one hand that works so I play the game only with my left hand. Even though I can use dragon riding I would prefer to have the option to use static. I don’t want to play a mini game just to fly. I just want to point my mount and fly and rest my one good hand. I play less if I have to use dragon riding due to the overuse of my one good hand. My question to Blizzard would be if dragon riding is so superior to static why is it gated behind the lvl cap, exploring the zones and campaigns in each area? If you get dragon riding at launch, why would you need to earn the inferior version at the end? Makes no sense. On a side note, my wife who is not disabled can’t really use dragon riding and I end up having to fly her around as well. Would love the option of static flight at launch. Blizzard has given zero reasons why it’s not available.


Unfortunately, motion sickness toggles are not working in Beta.

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