Static flying limitations

This is currently exacerbated by the fact that the motion sickness options on the Beta are just broken and do not work, but …

The limitation of only enabling Static Flying in new content until after max level and War Within Pathfinder is repeating the same mistakes that was already there with Dragonflight’s launch. It delays an accessibility feature, and forces those reliant upon it to go through a more painful levelling experience for no good reason before they can get back to normal gameplay.

Dragonriding isn’t even a new feature anymore. This isn’t necessary, and negatively impacts the game.


Just here to say, don’t timegate accessibility features. That’s super crappy. You wouldn’t make someone max out renown before turning on colorblind mode, or hit level 80 before being able to use text to speech. This is not different.


Have to agree. I was super disappointed to see static flying was locked out when I went to Hallowfall to look around for battlepets.

Dynamic flying is not the best when you’re searching for something tiny like a paw icon on the screen. Sometimes, you’re flying so quickly that the paws don’t appear until long after you’ve sped past it when it’s laggy. It really makes searching annoying.


And it’s so, so much worse for those that have to deal with it as an accessibility thing instead of just a convenience thing. I have times due to various physical disabilities that I cannot use dragonriding. I simply cannot. And these new weird motion issues when you use it now make it even worse.

As of now, it means not playing in new content at all during those periods my issues are bad enough that I can’t just ignore them. Locking an accessibility feature - which is what steady riding has become for me - behind level and achievements is just a crappy thing for Blizz to do.

It sucked in Dragonflight and it sucks still.


Agreed. Some people just flat out don’t like skyriding, so arbitrarily withholding access to a preferred travel style that has no impact on the game whatsoever is just unnecessary.


With the increase in speed with old flying, I’d be fine with just using it as the default for myself now.

Beware when Blizzard ever paints or insinuates something as frictionless.


Is the expansion designed with having flying as a requirement to level up? So far there has been a lot of taxis willing to take you places which seems to indicate it isn’t.

I remember not having any flying at all for 9 months just a short while ago.

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I have seen quests that have mechanics that require skyriding and NO accessibility option to get around it.

The ENTIRE expansion is built on various levels, requiring flying to get from point A to point B, with next to no physical paths down.


I haven’t got very far so yes there should be taxis for those quests if they missed some. I would make a bug report for them. Although I am going to bet blizzard thought they fixed the motion sickness issue on this because they made a few changes last expansion and then the complaints stopped.


For me it’s physical disability preventing skyriding rather than just motion sickness.

I have cerebral palsy in one hand and am totally blind in one eye = I don’t have the depth perception needed to skyride and land properly.


What did you do in dragonflight? When dragonflying was also required in some instances.

I avoided all the dragon races for one, and had to wait around on friends to drag me along to quests I had difficulty getting to using the ‘ride along’ feature.

As long as it was DOWN (or a downward slope) I could get from point A to B.

I just went blind in that eye 6 months ago (three retinal detachments in the same eye will do that to you) and basically waited until Pathfinder dropped to do anything more. I was able to get to most of Zaralek on foot at least, so I just needed a friend to get me to one place in Zaralek and fly me around the Emerald Dream for my Pathfinder.


I only use one hand to dragonfly - I just bound two abilities to my mouse and forget about the other dragonflying abilities.

I unfortunately have a tiny hand (I’m only a 5’ ish tall woman) measuring in at 5.5 inches, and I can’t find an MMO mouse that fits.


I don’t have a MMO mouse just a normal mouse with 2 buttons on the side. I just bound those two buttons with skyward ascent and surge forward

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Yeah, I have to use a tiny mouse, like laptop/ mobile sized.

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those come with 2 buttons on the side as well

Really you think that was what I was doing?

Ayanya, I think Aqure was trying to be helpful and find ways to make the game more accessible for Halandor. Some players don’t even know about binding those abilities to their mouse, or maybe they are newish to the game. I didn’t read any malice in their statements.

I think creating your own thread (in this forum for beta) or writing to Blizzard’s accessibility email address will help educate others about this situation.

Proposed solution: Developers could put an NPC at the ground-mount-accessible area below the ships or platforms you’d normally need to fly to for quests, etc. The NPC could say something like “Need a lift?” and then send you up.

While I don’t require this feature myself, accessibility makes things better for everyone and I would probably use it. Landing exactly where you need to sounds very convenient to me.


Do we know what the rationale is for restricting static flying? The whole thing has “We spent all this time on Torghast so we’re going to make players do it” vibes. How much of the accessibility obstacle goes away if we can just static fly from the moment we log in? I know it doesn’t eliminate it completely but it has to be better than forcing people to skyride, right?