Static flying limitations

Huh? I’ve made no such suggestion, are we trying to battle the demons in your mind or something?

There’s also another reason which is gathering. Particularly if you’re steering with your mouse, which is normal navigation, gathering and Dragonriding do not work effectively together because the map icons are not particularly helpful in letting you know whether you should stop, and it takes time to mouse over a couple of icons to figure out which one is Hochenblume which is wasting your time, and which one is Writhebark which you might actually want, etc., and in the meantime you’ve either zoomed past, and had to stop and expend a Vigor that isn’t easy to get back if you keep stop/starting.


I prefer Skyriding and will use that predominantly - it was a great addition to the game! But I see no reason why you wouldn’t let people use static flying instead though. The moment Skyriding opens up should be when static flying opens up. It just seems unnecessarily cruel to those who struggle with the new flying for various reasons.

As a Druid main, I don’t care if interacting with quest items shifts me into caster form and makes me land if that’s the concern, same as how other players have to dismount or land their Skyriding mount. Personally, I find it equally easy to aim and land with Skyriding, faster and more efficient even, this is just punching down for those who will struggle with it.

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Nah, it’s an attempt at making the game artificially more complicated and difficult. It’s an aged and frankly tired concept of opportunity cost in RPG games, forcing disadvantage for every gained advantage. Look at old cheetah aspect getting dazed, or mounts getting dazed, or things like that. This game has always had disadvantage forced for every benefit.

This is nothing new. We are given flying, we are forced to sacrifice for it. Unfortunately in this case specifically the sacrifice is mostly to folks that quite literally aren’t capable of effectively performing the actions.


Bot farmers found a way around dragon Flying in Dragon Isle…can’t use that excuse now…they just want to discriminated against those of us players that are either Disabled or Elderly…


But allow classes that can stealth though mobs is okay now…


Coders worked that out long ago. It was likely only a moderate issue for them. In the meanwhile, they just map glitching and various other forms of tried and still true techniques for speed harvesting and farming.


And yet Dynamic riding exists

That made then more noticeable and easier to nab.

But keep being a victim if it makes you feel good i guess.

That again made them easier to spot and ban

You are correct. When they resort to those old methods it makes them easier to find.

However, they are able to dragonride just fine. In fact, I’d bet they are probably better than most players.

Knowing what I know about coders I’d be shocked if dragonriding slowed them down for more than a few days.



That said my orfiginal comment was in response to the “why”, if Blizz were to chnage their minds and make Static flying available from day 1 with no requirement I wouldn’t argue.


Steady flight is not gated by renown or anything it will be just

  1. reach 80
  2. explore the four zones
  3. done all of the four zones campaign

How hard is that? And plus it looks like all of the zones are ground mount friendly.

I’ll say, I appreciate having Dragonriding as a basic skill going into Beta, but yeah, its still not and never will be a replacement for actual flying. And there’s still a HUGE stable of flying mounts that can’t be used

Quit forcing playstyles that weren’t actually asked for


I cannot overstate my agreeance with this post enough.

I absolutely hate that, as someone who’s played this game since before Vanilla even launched, I’ve thrown thousands of gold at riding/flying, had to hunt down achievements and level and re-level and go through quests to fly, and now Classic flying (an existing function) is being gated because some Dev at Blizzard thought it was a great idea without understanding the frustrations of thousands of players.

This is, in short, bull****. I have /played time that expands years. I have spent untold hours hunting achievements that do nothing other than check some box off that is rendered obsolete in the next season or expansion.

If I wanna go somewhere fast and zoom around, I’ll fly around dynamically. If I want to just hover in the air for awhile while I go from mining node to mining node, I should be able to do that without some stupid control that Blizzard wants to implement.


That’s the thing - it’s not these three easy steps. It’s a series of 20+ tasks for the Pathfinder achievement. That is time that I would much rather see put to better use.


Hitting level cap, exploring the zones, and doing the story are not 20+ tasks

Exactly. It’s not a challenge to unlock for those who are able to utilise Skyriding. It’s just an unnecessary extra barrier to those who can’t.

Since it is so easy to unlock steady flight, it won’t stop bots, it won’t improve the world flow, it won’t stop people harvesting. It’s just a barrier for the sake of something to force people to do.

If they absolutely insist on a Pathfinder achieve for some reason, just make both Skyriding and steady flight slower until its unlocked. There, extra obligatory hoop to jump sorted.


same, find it really painful to fly dragon expansion style, way to hard on my hand, and as for landing they all crashes


Except for the things where it gives you the “can’t do that whilst shapeshifted” error message. That’s fun too.


I don’t have depth perception either. My left eye is cooked.

I’ve dealt with it for 40 years and guesstimate well, I have no issues with dragonriding.

Might just be that I’ve never, ever had depth perception.

Unless people are using tech I dunno we had, lack of depth perception due to wanna eye not (fully) functioning, shouldn’t be an issue. A PC screen is 2D, there’s no depth to perceive. Other people don’t get 2 different images from the game either.

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Nobody has even given one good reason why TBC flying is being time gated aka Pathfinder gated again all while others use Dragon flying…there is no bloody reason why TBC normal flying shouldn’t be unlocked at start of TWW just like dragon flying is.