WoD and MoP were the ideal pvp gearing systems, not tbc or wrath
they both had quick honor sets that put you within 1-2 difficulties of the BIS conquest set - and then everyone could get the BIS conquest set with just 10 wins per weeks and accelerators as the season progressed
yes that is BIS gear, not mediocre or worthless gear
it provided a fair playing field and rated and regular pvp was never more popular
super easy to make alts to deal with the blizzard balancing swings or just for variety
now there are absolutely redonk pve grinds to compete in pvp, plus powah4rating that guarantees more skill to also have better gear which makes the mid to late season even worse
the ONLY thing bliz seems to care about on pvp gearing, is that gear ownership power levels in pvp somewhat match similar percentages in raiding
there is no longer the slightest effort by bliz to create eventual fairplay for all players
the only fairplay you can achieve these days, on a casual basis, is below max level pvp (sub 60 bg in certain brackets)
this isn’t an issue for the top of the ladder, as anyone in the top half is already getting competitive pvp gear and is getting some fairplay to a degree. This is also why so many high rated players are so out of touch even discussing the gearing. They just aren’t affected and are loud on forums despite being a small minority of the pvp playerbase.
it would be difficult to design a system to more effectively chase out the bottom half of the ladder, especially once the season is 2 months old
then you come back to the good ole bg’s, the mainstay of pvp with 10x the participation of rated, where absolutely colossal gear gaps demotivate participation - 30-50 ilvl gaps, an entire content patch of power or more with a daunting megagrind of 10s of hours to even get to the bottom of the gap
the game is just made for monetization targets and whales and nobody else anymore