State of hpal

Anyone want glimmer back? Or something to help us MOVE hp bars

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Glimmer is NOT it. Eternal flame is basically the same thing.

I would prefer something besides the non interactive hots from dawnlights but they ARE effective.

Id also prefer the shield or holy prism to be stronger, or the boosted holy light but really I never want to cast so that’s ok


I don’t want glimmer back. Holy prism doing something would be nice ya. Divine Toll doing something would be cool. If you don’t have cd’s up your heals are not gonna be doing much to move hp bars. Like if you have wings and the green buff whatever it’s called then sure it feels fine. I think it would take like 20 normal holy shocks to heal someone up.


I want to have the option to empty out my mana bar dumping big heals into people, but instead we have our throttled gameplay. I think they should unnerf holy light.

Also, Light of the Martyr is a trap talent and bad design. It’s a net healing loss in all cases, but they have to tune us around our access to it and what it can do for our kit. It feels bad but at the same time not a real option if we want to be able to move (other peoples’) bars.



Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllll no.

Heeeeeeelllllllllllllll naaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

EDIT: To elaborate, there are things that can be done if Holy needs some oomph.

Glimmer is not it.


Glimmer was holding back Hpal actually.

Without it, the spec is simpler to tune around.

Dawnlight basically servers the same purpose.


Some more dispel protection would be nice tho.


I miss BFA Paladin :frowning:

Should’ve appreciated it more while it was here.


I wish my flash of light didn’t heal less than a ret flash of light. It’s like my healing is stuck in dragonflight, because it’s balanced around martyr and wings. Let’s not forget that pressing holy light is worthless unless you have a fusion of light proc with hand of divinity, and even that is every minute and a half… Oh, and my 4-5 minute cooldowns? dispellable with little compensation or counterplay on my end! My 7 minute cd LoH? Gutted by dampening, does less than a regrowth crit. Fun game. At least my team can’t die with sunspots during wings tho!


I miss all my bubble shields in MOP.

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Got up to +7 in keys last night running Hpal and yeah, it could be better and doesn’t help with the 6 percent healing nerf but I haven’t had any issues keeping up healing. It still feels good and fluid to me.

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We have 0 aoe and Hitting wings for a few seconds of AOE 20K sec heals aint it.

the fact that any Key higher then a 5+ that has aoe we are busted on as some fights are overtuned that you need a rsham/rdruid or holy priest even at a 4pc+crit LOD only does 170k/200k if lucky on healing… meaniwhile we are forced to just waste our HP on EF to hope it crits .

Also EF Hot is not effected by amount we heal which sucks cause our 4pc is useless if you use EF as 32% barely touches EF


Yep. It’s in a bad state and you have weirdos like indo or some other person thinking its good defending nerfs. Its very strange. In reality its one of the worst healing specs and classes right now in game. They brag about High HPS in normal raids and it makes me cackle. I wanna see you heal mythic 7+ like those rshams and druids, and priests are easily doing without breaking a sweat.
The fact HPAL got nerfed, yet pRESevoker that does 2.5 million hps got buffed tells me everything I need to know.

From a pvp stand point as well, hpal is just c tier and trash.


Here me out my fellow spreaders of the holy energy. WHAT IF we could band together and make Blizzard design more of a holyfistweaver for the Holy spec.
What if, having SoTR transform into a storm of divine energy circling around you dealing damage and aoe healing. What if, our light of dawn spread out in every direction healing players while giving them a tiny damage increase or damage taken decrease. What if, our consecrate was a short cooldown that called down massive pillars of beaming light that traveled towards enemies or players. What if…
Anyway I can only dream right.

Would trade Light of Dawn for Holy Radiance in a heartbeat, along with our current mastery for Mists mastery, and I would trade Shield of the Righteous for a DPS spender that doesn’t require a shield to use.

That said, I think moving away from the melee swinging fantasy was okay. I think melee positioning is enough.


you want to make their HP move? Heal them :clown_face: and remove that 3-5 steps of dps before healing someone lol

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In PvE, Hpal is currently the second most represented healer in keys above 10+ range at the moment, behind shaman.

There’s no data indicating it’s in a bad state, at least not yet, if anything, was the best healer in raid before the nerf of this week during heroic week and continues to be the second most represented in the highest m+ keys in the world.

It’s definitely not in a bad state.

Edit: evoker is current the best raid healer, according to warcraft logs, by an avergae of just 6%. All the rest are fairly even with a max variance of 3%.

about the only thing that doesn’t really work right now is light of dawn. it’s horrible. I don’t even have it on my bar.

if they reversed how Unending Light worked, causing each HP spent on WoG to buff the next LoD, it would probably become something worth using.

Otherwise for most content I think the class is fine.

I’m talking pvp

Hpal wont be fun again until they get rid of the lame combo point spenders. A rogue healing spec does not work well but atleast they have tried. Get rid of holy power for Holy spec.