Alright, do it with Obliterate. You cant actually separate the ST component to the cleave component without a redesign of cleaving strikes. This is what people are saying. Obliterate now hits 3 targets means it just takes the base spell and makes it hit other targets at full power. So if your Obliterate does 1m damage, when it cleaves it does 3m damage… so unless there is a tuning knob for the other targets its going to do full damage and there isnt that tuning knob for cleaving strikes… so “easy”.
Just like multi-dotting, the dot is a single target ability that can be applied to multiple targets at full strength. So if you apply Agony to the main target, and a secondary target they both have the same power at its base. There isnt really anything you can do about that with tuning outside of buffing or nerfing the ability directly.
“So easy” right? Just show your work, when you actually start showing the work things just dont work out. Like Nathan Oakley spouting “ELEVATION ANGLES TO POLARIS!” doesnt actually work on a flat plane when you start to apply it to reality.
Cleaving strikes is specifically made that way to have strong 3 target cleave, that’s the whole point, they whole point is that each obliterate is just as strong on the other 2 targets.
And yea, if they wanted to increase the damage of obliterate without impacting aoe, the solution is as easy as reducing the %damage modifier for cleaving, from 100% to 80% or 70% tah dah.
Again, i don’t see an issue.
Multidotting is the only situation where it’s gonna be pretty hard to do this kind of thing, but it’s not an issue for frost dk, it’s an issue for dot centric specs, which is why they avoid putting too much power into dots at this point, like shadow word pain, vampiric touch etc etc.
I would love to see runic empowerment recieve a rework or bad luck protection. and i would equally like to see exterminate’s reaper’s mark re-application recieve a complete rework. no-one has an issue with how reaper’s mark or the scythes function as they’re really fun. But the reapplication being random honestly just feels terrible. if you gained additional reapplications of reaper’s mark through other means outside of RNG, that’d fix the issue.
no one? except me and other pvpers, reapers automatically triggering when the target is low hp before you are able to stack it is extremely bad nearly kills the hero tree in pvp
every single person who pvps as dk, frost and unholy, are all rider
representation is evidence of their dissatisfaction, Sanlayn and Deathbringer offer absolutely nothing beneficial over rider, Not damage, Not survivability, Not utility, Not mobility, Nothing
The burst of DB is pretty much its only redeeming feature. But the utility and horse mobility of riders is just so strong. Every time I play DB I feel so incredibly slow.
Yeah I’d love to have DnD move with us like Darion. Dks kinda being the reversal of Paladin I think having Auras/Presense that Hurts the enemies instead of protecting our allies would be really cool. I’d really want more abilities like Remorseless winter and a dnd that moves with us. Give is a Whirlpool of disease and plagues that puts desease on everyone around us. Give us an aura that sucks the blood out of the enemies around us.
I want us to be the big hulking knight that is imposing. When a frost dk enters the room, Everyone becomes cold Frost builds up on the walls and a misty breath can be see.
Think of the nazgul in the lord of the rings movies, when one appears on screen hell freezes over, Fear and dread can be felt through the screen. They need to translate those feelings into fun and balanced abilities.
Tbh I very much dislike DB’s interactions with frost when it comes oblit, especially when you dont have BOS up in keys. Spending 4 runes (RW RM and DnD) feels like absolute trash, especially when you don’t get any RNG refunds, RM reapplications and exterminate procs are just the icing on the BS rng cake.
I have been really enjoying DW frost(at least for pvp).
I would kill for them to at the very least update MOTFW to give baseline razor ice for 2h. Playing shatter 2h would be really fun pvp wise, and I think fun pve wise via rider as well.
Not having DW have KM for Frost Strike to have a 100% guaranteed crit feels like garbage and has since they made it so that it only works with Obliterate.
Shattering Blade with KM Frost Strikes would feel a whole lot better and probably be better in terms of ST.
DK. We’ve literally never had one in 16 years while almost every single other spec that was in the game since then has gotten one. They’ve slowly screwed our resource generation over time, introduced more RNG into it, then heavy nerfed it and baindaid fixed things here and there.
We have low pvp representation from what I hear, are only taken for high M+ keys because were so tanky (which is about to change) are hands down the worst performing raid dps class in the entire game. Every single other class is either ahead of us with their 1 dps spec, has all of their specs ahead of us or can switch to a different spec and be ahead of us. BOTH of our specs are in the bottom 5.
There is 0 guarantee that you would even take another runeforge, and the best might just be stoneskin, or an enchant that gives primary stat and then balance needs to be done on the new higher baseline of stats, then people complain that MotFW was nerfed. MotFW has been a garbage passive ever since its inception in Cata.
And FC is default just like the current enchant being default. It just doesnt change from expansion to expansion and its free. Authority of the Depths is currently the best across ret and warrior… so why wouldnt it be for DK if it gives the most damage output? So that would be paying 4k (my server) for a weapon enchant then just applying one for absolutely nothing and maybe a minute time.
You dont always have to change stuff, if its working dont mess with it.
It’s funny that FC is so good that it eclipses other options out of proportion. Much so that it could be either Baseline… a talent… or straight up removed.
If removed, the other Runeforges need to be strong enough to compete against Weapon Enchants. Maybe Stoneskin Gargoyle? Who knows?
If baked in MotFW (Not a bad suggestion btw!), 2-handers ACTUALLY have a Runeforge Choice other than FC. But I also want Blood and Unholy have this option also.
Please for the love of Arthas, buff Rune of Apocalypse. It’s literally the worst Runeforge in the game at this point.