Am I the only horde player that has noticed the pure Alliance domination in battlegrounds lately? The enlistment bonus has been active for well over a week now for Horde, making it impossible to queue as a Mercenary. I’d be fine (not really) if the bonus gave 100% honor gain since you maybe win 1 out of 10 BG’s played. It’s taking an absurd amount of time just to get 1 piece of PvP gear let alone an entire set.
Before people say “Oh Horde was dominant X expansions ago so it’s about time the alliance had it’s turn” need to realize that isn’t a good solution to the BG problem. We already have Mercenary mode, so why can’t we just mix up the Horde and Alliance when we Queue for BG’s? You wouldn’t know if someone is horde or alliance anyways so you can’t complain about the “Fantasy” of versing the opposing faction. The new player experience when it comes to BG’s is awful EVEN when they have full crafted 424 pvp gear.
Was just in an Ashran where the entire Horde team literally went in opposite directions at start…like where are these people coming from acting like they’ve never played before? I almost feel like Blizzard is trolling us with with bots to force us to pay for transfers. I’ve had bad teams before but not so consistently as this patch. Like almost every epic has been painful with tons of nubs in no gear and no clue.
But are you queuing solo or sync queuing like you normally do?
Also Im finding that im facing premades all the time these past couple days.
70s in the 61-69 bracket is insane. Last BG had about 6 of them in a 10 man BG… im on my Evoker testing it out and im suddenly the number 1 kill target because im the only one on my team capable of doing any damage.
My guess is, ever since cross-realm dungeons and guilds and stuff, people are playing what they really want instead of what they are forced to play based on what their friends were playing.
So, normally Alliance is a vacuum of skilled PvPr’s, and now more of them are coming back.
Your right I don’t because Torturekilla is one of the players that always says he premades and sync queues into epics. Sure he may do one or two but from what I read on the forums. Its mainly with the pvp community premading.
Play with your friends all you like, but don’t weigh in on a conversation about solo queue wins and losses when you do. He’s basically saying, “I never have trouble swimming. My water wings always keep me afloat”
So what about when I solo q and give strat calls? Does that suddenly make it a premade? Make friends and play with em this game is not meant to be a solo player game, never has been.