I don’t play regulars much, never have. My community is just over a year old, so my w/l ratio shows all of it.
they cant they are too busy blaming everything on premades sadly
i solo q all the time i have no premade stay mad i guess because you cant stand that a solo q player doesnt mind vs premades
Do you run Reflex?
Why would you ever solo que? You re just asking for a 50%ish winrate when you could be cruising with the boys and gy camping ppl.
I solo q to relax. I lead all night, so sometimes I want to just play.
Time of day dependent. Horde solo queuing during prime time will win most games ~except if alliance can merc~. I notice horde get worse when ally can merc, lol. Although obviously their stacked premades will still usually win just fine.
However, it is true that those who near-exclusively run with fuller/sweatier premades will have a skewed win rate. I also question why they do that because it must get pretty boring.
You were in a recent one I lost because Horde pugs are horrible since patch. You were there…I know you saw it lol. I recall you saying you were disappointed lol.
Be carefull now… anything that can be construed as negative will end in your account being suspended.
Hate to add fuel to the fire but things have definitely gotten worse lately. I only play this game for random BGs, it’s just something to kill time. Every single non-epic BG I’ve played this week has started the same way, Horde starts with 1-2 players missing. This almost always results in a huge advantage for Ally, for example AB starting with 4 capped (which then usually results in a 5 capped once they push farm and start camping GY), EotS starting with 3 capped and flag, etc, you get the point. The only wins I’ve gotten lately are in epics and the occasional flag carrying game.
So my buddy was like lets use Merc mode faster Ques (never used it). First game got destroyed. I was like why are you using Merc mode again? He was like faster Ques. We Que again team gets destroyed in the opening I left. I was like sorry friend. Never again.
No point in faster Ques just to get clapped. I rather wait and feast on Horde then get pounded every game by Ally. Makes no sense. Why sign up for a brutal time when you can wait and play an enjoyable game. I don’t care if the Ques are an hour. Why Que every 2 mins on Horde just to get tbagged and bannered then say hey lets do that again…
I’m begging ya’ll, please start running Reflex. Reflex records and tracks your pvp wins and losses. Having hard numbers will be enlightening, I guarantee it.
I just changed from Tauren to KT and there is silliness on both sides. I have almost sworn off PvP for good.
I was indeed disappointed.
Really… as Alliance, I lose 95% of my Bgs. So… not sure what you’re talking about.
did you post during BFA and SL asking for combined alliance and horde queues when horde had 75% of rated pvpers? if not then mandatory
but yes, queued should have been combined a long time ago. everyone queues for a random and gets sorted into team red or team blue imo
thats not even real pvp
How would you know? Doesn’t look like you do as much pvp as I do…
I solo queue and I premade. You’re just firing at the wind. When I solo queue I float around 50% win rate. When I premade I win closer to 80%. Torture said “I haven’t lost all night” then in his very next comment said “I play with my community”. So yes, don’t comment on win/loss when you aren’t playing solo. Sometimes you guys put a target on your back and then cry victim when someone hits it.
I know right dudes wild lol.
True, unless you que into a high number of enemy premades then its ok.