You obviously didn’t read the whole reply. It’s NOT about ilvl, it’s NOT about gear. Class tuning, ring a bell? Why did Warriors during their low, which was 20th place next to Demo Lock, Rogue and BM/SURV Hunter receive 5 major/minors buffs over the few past months that placed them in near Top 10 DPS Rankings yet you as MM we’re Top 5 in DPS but NOW, Fury Warriors OUT DPS MM Hunters in Mythic CN content based on cold hard black and white data logs. Is it because of their gear? Mmmm, nope. Item Level? Nope…don’t think so. Ahh, yes, Class Tuning.
MM Hunters from the start of Shadowlands came running out of the gates out DPS’ing BM Hunters. Tell me again, how many times did MM Hunters get buffed?..oh, 4 times? geee, that’s cool. How many times for BM…2 the most which included the blanket 5% DMG increase? Gee, that’s cool. Fury Warriors received more buffs, better talent choices and better covenant ST or AoE dmg output. “But…but, muh muh M+21 timed keys, AOTC and 10/10M CN says my Hunter is better!!” Yea, for IO score and achieve…wooohoo gz to you bro!! That’s it, you look good on paper. Paper Champ! What’s next for you WoW MDI or Race to World First since you’re a MM. Surely you can be good enough right…oh…wait, nvm. Paper Champ, I forgot. You can time +21, 22, 23, AOTC, 10/10M CN, the fact that BM’s and majority of “average”/“max” DPS BM Hunters IAW wowmeta are near dead last for Mythic CN says ALOT BM’s need class tuning. We don’t need to be Top 5 or Top 1st for DPS Rankings, we are not widely represented for high end content, the weekly or bi-weekly CN Raid DPS Rankings from WoWhead will tell you that. Where have you seen BM Hunters represent WoW MDI ? WoW AWC ? (crickets…), Race to World First…maybe 2 the most? Ahh, but what about MM Hunters? Well…MM represented in AWC , MDI and RTWF , not too often, but, they have been in them more than BM Hunters. Could it be they are MORE viable for high end content? I’m taking a guess here, but I’m going to say, yes!
You’ve pointed out my two trinkets and no raiding contributes to why my “average” 4.5k DPS (which again if you’ve read my post, 4.7k DPS is AVERAGE DPS and that’s in a MYTHIC RAID) Are you delusional? Have you actually played Hunter or is this your first time? So, If I’m actually clocking 4.5k DPS on “average”…I’m basically conducting “average” Mythic CN DPS and I don’t even RAID…LOL. Do you understand now? Can you say you’re pumping maximum Mythic CN MM Hunter DPS at 9.6k DPS every run with your ilvl and gear? It’s gotta be your gear, I’m sure. Oh wait…you’re Marksmanship Hunter, gee, no wonder, the META spec since launch, (slaps hand on forehead), stupid me…you’re right, it’s NOT about ilvl or gear but Class Tuning as I’ve mentioned.