Starting SoD

I was thinking of starting a toon in SoD. Am I making a huge mistake? Was probably gonna roll a healer, but imagine no one is doing lower level dungeons. Eventual goal is PvP. Appreciate any feedback.


Yes, it’s a mistake at this point. Blizz doesn’t care about PVP, especially in SoD. Unless you’re a pally, then they care.


There’s no harm in starting it and trying it out. If you don’t end up enjoying it, easy enough to peace out. There’s a LFG system now, so you can group easier, though you are correct it will likely be difficult to find low level groups. I’d look into incursions. They’re essentially daily quest hubs that get you 1-2 levels a day, and have mobs that generally reward the highest amount of grind experience possible for your level.

There’s dual spec at lvl 40 too, so you’ll be able to have a back up spec if you don’t end up wanting to play healer. Runes will be the biggest barrier / chore list probably, but just keep in mind that some of them are meant for doing at high levels… and it’s probably just better to wait for those higher levels than to try yeeting them at low levels.

Also a constant 150% xp boost and 300% gold boost on quests below lvl 60, so it shouldn’t take too much effort to level.

Meh, everyone says the same thing about PvP in every iteration of the game, so that isn’t a real indicator. Sure PvP isn’t the most balanced, but there’s still fun to be had in certain situations.

You will indeed enjoy your time spent on SoD. You have more than enough time to catch up and play with everyone at max. Classes feel more rounded out than their era counterparts. Don’t worry to much about the low lvl dungeons as you have a 150% xp boost so getting to 60 is fairly easy. Join the alliance brother


This is true, I’m R13 doing the 14 grind, so obviously I haven’t hated it. I was just thinking for a new player this late in the game, PVP aspirations might be a little late given the timeline of things. But there is still fun to be had for sure.

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just say no to SoD :expressionless:
come play fresh


Probably not a good idea yeah. Making a huge mistake? Eh, maybe not, but you should at least go in with both eyes wide open.

Here’s the biggest thing you need to know… SoD’s content road map ends with Phase 7. We’re currently just started Phase 6. This means SoD can expect to be developed for about… 4-5 more months before it’s moved into an “Era” style state of existence.

Where servers like Wild Growth and Crusader Strike will probably continue to exist as “SoD Era” servers, but there will be zero further content deployed to them. The progression of the game will be complete.

So yeah, you’re going to be coming in at the very, VERY end of Season of Discovery, with only a few months left of guaranteed population and activity. Maybe SoD Era keeps a small but active population in the same way Classic Era has for these past few years, or maybe it doesn’t.

If you’re looking for a time sink for the next few months and nothing more, then great. If you’re looking for a new game to spend a year+ in, SoD is not for you.

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Disc/hpal is really solid atm. Rshams really good too. Resto druid is def the worst healer atm but is still okay. Mages are okay too. I think their main issue is that hunters exist and hard counter them.

Only issue with PVP is garbage tank runes shamans get and bad nerfs being made by BUM devs that listen to BUM cry babies that barely even pvp. If they remove the 30% hp buff from events/BGs the game will feel alot better.

I see plenty of people lvling and was able to find dungeon groups while lvling earlier in the month.

That is fair, though we are in an iteration where PVE gear can carry just as hard, if not harder than PvP gear, and is much easier to obtain. I guess if he were wanting to go the PvP route of gearing, that would be a pretty long haul though.

150% xp on sod. just sayin. xD

presumably. We don’t know for sure what will happen. It sounds like they have intentions of keeping it going, but we don’t exactly know just how real those intentions are.

honestly while the thought of rolling fresh and getting the runes is a bit daunting , some of the runes are very fun and very busted.

its fun if you let it be fun and arent concerned with the end of the game but instead enjoy the journey.

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I really enjoy SOD and I know a lot of player do too. Stormwind is packed at all hours of the day. Currently there’s always 5-10 AB games going and during weekdays 1-2 wsg games in the evening. Blood moon event is extremely fun PvP.

With the XP boost you can get to level 60 in a few weeks. Rank 10 in 4 weeks. At that point you have enough gear to actually contribute and compete and have fun. Rank 13/14 in another 4 weeks. Blood moon event has neck back belt bracers, 2 rings, and PvP trinket so you don’t need to do any pve to have bis PvP gear, except for a 2nd trinket but you could use one of the dark moon faire trinkets and literal do no pve. If you do feel like raiding you can find a pick up group for most stuff pretty easily.

The sentiment I’m hearing about classic fresh is that lots of people played, got to level ~15 and then realized they don’t want to start fresh and logged out and came back to sod. Many SOD players did not even make a character.


A SoD druid complaining about SoD paladins… I guess re rolling FoTM isn’t always the best choice for everyone.


I feel like they were pretty clear with their intentions when they shared the road map at Warcraft Direct tbh.

If they had intentions to keep things going, there would be something after Phase 7 for SoD. Instead, it was one big nothingness. Season of Discovery was never meant to last forever.

Id play the fresh anniversary or cata/mop if i were you. PvP is not great in SoD. Id say 20% of the time it feels good, and awful the rest. This is especially true as a healer. Many offensive abilities were added, including extreme mobility tools for melee classes and healer specs dont have the necessary tools to survive. If you domt get peeled by your team, you are pretty much 100% dead to a warrior or rogue as they are inescapable. To give a quick frame of referrence, rogues will kill you in 1 cheap shot/kidney combo. No big CD is necessary

If you really wanted to play SoD and heal in PvP, id go resto shaman or paladin as they are the tankiest and will survive a rogue opener in BGs with the health buff.

I feel like they were anything but clear. It definitely leaned in the direction you’re talking about, but I still think they’re going to hold onto SoD until they have classic + ready… assuming that’s still going to be a thing. That missing from the conversation during Warcraft Direct is really what worried me tbh.

No point. Sod is on a massive downward spiral at the moment. Classic fresh is going up. Hop on there for a fun time :+1:

I guarantee you fresh will feel worse PvP wise. What you describe out of SoD is exactly what will happen in vanilla too.

LMAO remember that huge thread you made saying youd never touch fresh cause of the changes? Remember when you said the same thing about SoD and was playing day 1? Nobody can take you seriously anymore argentia

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He is right. Sod is in free fall