Start your own group. Stop complaining about being declined 24/7. Start your own group

Pugged and timed the last 15 I needed last night, with Spanish typers to boot! (I can only read English). It’s hard to work you way up to that point though because you need to run tons of low keys, and have multiple +15s already timed to be considered. Practicing, and timing sub 15 keys, then eventually 15s with a consistent group goes a long way to getting in pugs. Once you have the foundation, pugging gets a lot easier, because you can pick and chose what you app to. You might not always get accepted, but you will and it takes less time the higher IO you have.

Tldr it’s easier to get into pugs if you built your IO with a consistent group/guild group. Recommend joining a community guild to work your way up to easy pugging.

If you are looking at ilvls for keys you are definitely doing it wrong. I usually look at their overall score, the highest they’ve done on the dungeon, and number of runs they completed, which are all shown on the addon in one spot. There’s no comprehensive look ups needed. This still won’t guarantee that I’ll get someone competent, but it’ll give me far better odds than taking a complete rando.

Apply directly for the forehead

Well yeah.

Those are the options, either make a group and deal with the hassle of trying to get a healer + tank + competent dps composition together, or join someone else’s group and deal with the hassle of being denied constantly.

M+ is just not queuable content. It’s specifically not designed to be. If you want queuable content, run Heroics and LFR.

Making your own group does solve this issue. You make the rules, you decide who gets to join. If you don’t like what you see in LFG start your own!

I created one that said sucky player looking for equally sucky players to do random dungeons. Nobody joined ;(

I make a crappy leader, that’s why I don’t start my own group.

Not exactly.

There is scarcity to the player pool when you make your own key. If you’re a tank or a healer, it’s not quite as bad, but it still exists.

For example. I could list my 11 key right now as a dps. I might get a few applicants. But in general 95% of them likely never even timed a 10 or a 11. Similarly. I could list a 12 key and watch the same thing happen. Yesterday, it took me about 90 minutes to fill my 12 key. Only to have the people I invited fail at mechanics and then leave. They had good IO scores.

People will tell you there are endless amount of people trying to que for their groups. This is not true in general. There is a bottleneck of players looking to run 14-15 keys. Most people don’t want to sit there and jam 10-13. Because they’ve either all ready completed them for their IO score or it exceeds the item level they’ care about. IT’s almost more optimal to target 14’s and 15’s for your vault if that’s your goal.

IT’s even worst if you’re entirely new to the game and want to run your 2-7 key. The quality of players you’re going to see in the que are probably very bad. In fact, the only good time to run low keys is right after a raid tier drops. If you wait a month or two, the player quality drops to such a terrible level that it’s a head ache to try and run your own key. The player quality will not be sufficient to time these keys in pugs. If you want to get good at pugging keys. The best time to do it is early on in a raid tier. The longer you wait the worst quality of players you’ll run into.

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Okay, Okay.

You don’t like Biden then you be the President huh ?? :rofl: :rofl:

lol start your own group
if you think any good player if applying to your bum groups your wrong

A sound piece of advice

Difficult for them to do when they want someone else to form it for them, when they want to leech and not even know mechanics like it’s LFR then dip the moment a wipe or two happens.

If they did, they’d know why others use io.

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The very first time someone makes their own M+ group, they will get flooded with applicants and understand why they get denied constantly.

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You’d have a point if only a few people were given keystones every week but EVERYONE has one. How are you getting “gatekeeped” from content when the way to access said content is in your bag?

Pretty doing your own work is too much for a lot of people these days. However it needs to be said. Overall stop being lazy. Build your legacy.

I have some good news for you. the playerbase ISN’T the gate that decides whether or not other players can access content.

anyone can get a key
anyone can start a group

It literally does work exactly the same for everyone.

… I just think it’s weird that your repeating this sort of statement where it essentially boils down to “It’s not a solution” while at the same time telling us that repeating what we said isn’t a valid solution as your implying, but i digress.

Even if we don’t have the stuff that allows us options to gate people out like ilvl requirements or RIO score requirements and such, people are still going to pick and choose for their own groups. The gatekeeping (and i say this loosely) is just going to exist naturally no matter what, unless your asking for a system where nobody can make groups and pick what they want, and it’s the game that picks out people and makes the group for you. Even then, the gatekeeping is still going to happen, depending on whatever metric the game uses to match you or others up with them/you respectively. Or even just picking out of the hat eyes closed metaphorically speaking.

We say “Make your own group” as a genuine solution, because the alternative here would be completely out of everybody’s control and wouldn’t solve the problem ( i also use this loosely) of gatekeeping to begin with anyways. (Not to speak to other people, that’s what i assume the thought process here for those who don’t just say “Get gud” 5 times in a row. To those people who don’t think the latter, correct me if i’m wrong here. )

Not to mention, didn’t this problem existed as far back as vanilla? I mean remove LFG, not much is gonna change because you still have to pass the group’s requirements before entering it, except it will be a lot slower to get a group together.

Some people love things because it works for them. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad system. Nor it’s a bad thing to like something because it works.

“I’ve never said it’s bad!..”

Well i don’t see you praising it or talking fondly of it or even neutrally about it, and instead blaming the system here, so what am i suppose to take away from that?

I’ve played Red Dead Redemption 2 earlier today and the controls were frustrating to play with. So does that mean it’s a bad game and people only loved it because it works for them? I know it’s a werid comparison, but something about this “They only love it because it works for them”, smacks me a little stripping people from their autonomy; they only must like it because it just works for them, they don’t like it for the other reasons.

Well you felt the need to reiterate the same answer people has told in response to “make your own group” so i don’t know why you can’t reiterate the solutions others have already posted. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean it would’ve at least helped a tiny bit for everybody involved here as well your point/arguments if you repeat the solutions on what those people have said instead of doing the usual “Oh it’s there, look it up, i’m not gonna prove it to you!” thing. :confused:

Was thinking the same thing. Start a group with like minded people who like playing by feeling their way thru challenging content. May actually be more enjoyable than running with a crew in it for the just the gear and you being nothing but a number. By the gear thing, I’m meaning the obsession. Wanting to make toons stronger is a natural thing.

lol at this person writing this much to complain about, people complaining about getting groups