Starsurge will be able to stun in P2

Its okay bud, pally is still going to be getting dunked and hopelessly running away with a bubble up.

This is the reality your head canon of how things play out is going to have to face.

Address the direct responses to these claims above, if you’d like.

Or- if a paladin has engaged you, and you’re fighting, how are you gaining distance and applying more pressure than they are? Post cleanse.

Honestly this doesn’t sound so bad to me.

A Healer that can also long range burst on a short cd? Sure sign me up.

This argument is only between you and reality now :heart_hands: :wave:

Not sayin it is, I just think its funny people are acting like the issues with balance were addressed, and not like they just added an incredibly overtuned rune available to all specs.

As I’ve already detailed these encounters, I think reality and paladin are completely healthy. No one kites my paladin in era. Hasn’t even happened

You can’t kite a class you can’t slow. This class also has ranged stuns.

The sand is comfortable around your head.

I have a druid to kill paladins.

Talking pvp with a bunch of keyboard turning back peddling clickers is always so fun to watch.

Amen to this.

90% of the people here have likely never cleared 2400 in arena on any class.

I was on my Paladin yesterday and a Druid started moon beaming me and when I Avenger’s Shield he dodged it.

I then found myself slowly running around trying to catch up to him as he sunfired me for 30 seconds.

This was me being kited, what could I have done to stop this?

In this phase, not much. You don’t have answers to being kited yet and the health pool to DMG ratio is too goofy at 25.

I wouldn’t worry about level 25 pvp. It has no meaning

Just wait for late game, paladin is going to be incredible man

We’re just gonna leave this here.
www youtube com/watch?v=0astOWs1PmQ&ab_channel=CaptainFalcon

Tell us Your experience before the nerf You needed for Avenger shield, 0% winrate? This proves that if a paladin get to melee Your brain explodes and You don’t know how to gain Range again.

I don’t claim to be an accomplished PvP expert by any means, but I do think Starsurge stunning in combination with travel form is going to be really, really annoying in the open world.

Even cutting its range to 36 with talents would do a lot to make it less oppressive, because I dunno, despite what people think, the open world is not usually just a wide open field without mobs nor obstacles. There’s not usually the infinite running space people pretend there is here.

What I will say is it’s OK for balance druids to have some kind of unique PvP strength and for some classes to have few answers for it outside a group environment. PvP in this era of the game was all about group content and a rock paper scissors ethos for duels. It is also occasionally annoying, often unfair, often random, and rarely outright balanced even at its best. So if the problem with Starsurge is that Warriors and Rogues sometimes don’t have any counterplay to it when caught by themselves, I’m not sympathetic to that.

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They haven’t even hit 1550 and they prolly have the 300 win achievement.

We are post nerf and I can kill any paladin anytime all day long.

Come at me nerd.

Yeah, I was being very generous.

The moral of this thread is if you are a paladin you should be running from druids not towards them.


tell your silly name and i will find you in the world.

Someone crying for nerf in the forums have 0 credibility about being goodlike in pvp as you say you are. Probably paladin is the only class you’re killing because a lot of people don’t have equipped avenger’s shield rune / swiftness pot.

Is that your situation? You can only beat one class so, you’re embarrassing.

I’m not godlike in PVP. I play druid which counters paladin.


You can’t catch me. So you lose.

tell your name