When druids can get more talents in P2 starsurge can stun while it’s destroying you.
When druids can get more talents in P2 starsurge can stun while it’s destroying you.
Shush. I was genna try a boomkin in phase 2. You’re giving away the secret sauce.
What’s next? You genna tell them that having access to holy shock + avengers shield is broken? And that holy paladins will be 1 shoting people from mid range?
Holy paladins will be dying to druids and locks and mages.
Paladins will never be top in PVP. They never will and never have been. Paladins are serial copers.
With locks you’re right…
Druids you can just run out of mana.
And mage feels favorable if anything. Just don’t stun until after they blink. Not that hard.
it stuns now…, you can get 1 point into the talent right now…it is just a low %
Druids have innervate in P2 LOL.
You are losing as paladin. You know how many paladin noobs I smoked as a druid yesterday.
So many it was boring.
Thank you captain obvious but you lose a lot of other useful talents like the speed talent.
Yeah the best healer in pvp will never be “top” delusional horde only player never played vanilla before, amazing.
no u dont, you don’t even know what your talking about or what boomies are running
Yes you do.
As a boomy who deletes paladins with them having zero chance of winning, I think I qualify as knowing how it works.
Cant wait to stun mobs in rfk with it
The most popular druid build simply does no damage to holy paladins. They can innervate all they want, they’re never killing me.
And feral druids and boomkins are pretty trash, so I don’t even worry about those builds. Although I think boomkins will be good in phase 2.
If I have bubble or lay on hands I’m not getting 1v1d by any druid builds in SoD. If I don’t have bubble then a good druid can kit me out sometimes.
In phase 1 of SoD the only class I feel I can never beat is Warlock. Hunters are very tough. And priests, and certain shaman builds I don’t do enough damage to kill them solo so those are a stalemate.
Druids tho? Garbo. Clear tier 3 class in SoD, only boosted by the fact that they are good flag runners and WSG is the only BG.
Bro I do damage to paladins. You will run out of mana way before I do.
I don’t even use mana for 90% of my damage.
You see, I kite you with sunfire which I’ve boosted with all strength gear. So I spam sunfire on you and whittle you down while you chase me and never catch me.
If you toss your stupid shield, I shift it mid air, starsurge and dot you. Then shift back and keep sunfire spamming you.
Just when you think it’s safe to stop and heal and you are 10% health, I shift and starsurge dot combo you to death.
You know how many clowns I’ve killed with this approach. You don’t even get to press bubble or anything.
Paladin over confidence is reliable and guarantees me kills on you.
(you’re not talking SoD right?)
The only damage you do is spamming moonfire. Cat form is not good against Paladins. And bear does no damage. So you need to use mana to do damage. I can just auto attack with a seal up.
(okay now SoD)
Are you running Omen of Clarity, insect swarm, or feline swiftness? Most I’ve seen go omen. So we have the same run speed.
And you’re forgetting about exorcism and judgement. Paladins don’t need to be in melee range to kill you. You will be chunked to half by HoJ and then exorcism + judgement will counter you kiting.
You can cast sunfire in cat form which uses energy and is boosted by strength because it scales with AP. I get 2 AP per strength on gear.
I kill paladins daily all the time. It’s not hard.
You lose.
In P2 I get cheetah, innervate, natrual shapshifter (which reduces mana cost for shifting), and my starsurge can stun now.
You will never beat a druid in open world as a paladin.
Cope as hard as you want.
In case you don’t know, your shield doesn’t slow me. I shift it. You can’t catch me and I’m spamming you with 100+ sunfire hits constantly.
My opener does over 500 damage to you. I dump all my energy into you from stealth so you don’t even know where I am at first and I’m at max range.
You have no shot at winning. I have never lost a single fight to a paladin.
You can cast sunfire in cat form which uses energy and is boosted by strength because it scales with AP.
Jesus dude. How can I specefically highlight when I’m referencing SoD and referencing ERA and you still get it messed up?
In P2 I get cheetah, innervate, natrual shapshifter (which reduces mana cost for shifting), and my starsurge can stun now.
Congratulations. You’re literally going to get 1 shot in the duration of HoJ.
already got my charge > mortal strike > whirlwind > execute macro ready for phase 2.
You can’t HOJ me if you can’t catch me.
And my gear is full stregth and stam leather gear. You aren’t one shotting anything.
Also I get dire bear in P2. As soon as your HOJ is over I dire bear, and run away.
I also have feral charge and bash.
I’ll see your stun and raise you another stun.
Oh and I can root you cause I have that talent and I can cast it on you after i get a little distance.
You have zero hope of success. Start traveling with buddies. You will need them.
I’m specifically going druid to kill paladins.
I’m also tauren so I have a racial stun.
How are you catching me and staying on me?
My opener does over 500 damage to you. I dump all my energy into you from stealth so you don’t even know where I am at first and I’m at max range.
Oh wow max range…aka, the exact same range as my paladin.
You have no shot at winning. I have never lost a single fight to a paladin.
And I’ve never lost to a druid. It’s a garbage tier 3 class.
You can’t do any damage as a ranged paladin.
My base starsruge damage is way above anything you have.
Sit down lil bro.
You also know what’s cool, my sunfire damage and all my dots ingore armor.
Isn’t that fun.
Prepare your angry nerf starsurge and sunfire threads for P2 paladin noob.
Someone had his heart broken by a Paladin. Did she end up going for the night elf chad instead?