Starsurge OP? Okay then ... LF Advice on Fixing Boomkin

Everyone is aware of the outcry: starsurge is overtuned.

Now, post your reply with at least 1 advice on how to make boomkin competitive in any form of content (pvp/pve) keeping in mind that they were literally the worst performers in raids in P1.

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Boomie will be fine with a dmg nerf, Hunter was fine with no adjustments


I am assuming your definition of fine is if they are bottom 3 dps because they are still mid peformers in raids atm vs. rogues, melee hunters, SPs, and mages.

And … hunters with/without nerfs never left the top 3 spots in BFD dps.


Actually I’m seeing a ton of boomies in the top 100 on alot of boss fights.

Right, so after the “nerfs” hunters were still top 3 performers in raids. I am assuming you believe that nerfing starsurge is going to allow boomies to perform just as good afterwards ? … care to elaborate ?

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Yes exactly, so Boomie will be fine, they will still be in the top 100.

What was your parse? Hiding behind some crap toon lol. Looks like I scared him off…woops.


give boomkins more damage in other spells, longer cooldown abilities and reduce the damage done by the one 6 second cooldown one that has been busted in pvp.

really not that hard

but personally in my opinion the actual root the issue is player HP pools are too small for the new power creep gained in SoD changes. They should do like a 40% damage reduction in pvp combat or like 40% player HP gain.

it’s also worth nothing that alot of people getting nuked, are not using like full Stamina pvp oriented gear. (not that this would completely fix things, but imagine going into retail pvp against someone without any Resilience gear and mostly PvE low stamina gear).

This problem exists for various classes abilities currently, because of the power creep of SoD, compared to vanilla baseline stamina gear.

You don’t even have Phase 2 logs.


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I thought we were talking about pvp.

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Hes talking about phase 1 logs while hiding behind a toon…almost like…you are right?

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I mean he called out a parse lol. I just answered.

Oh, I guess I probably should have read the whole thread.

Nope. I’m a gray parser who stands as an individual and looks beyond appeal to authority or ad hominem when discussing ideas and opinions.


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Hear me out. We make starsurge damage scale based off range.

42 yd range, but only does 20% of its full damage at furthest distance. 125% at 5 yards or under. And % decreases as the targets get max range.

This would make it a risk to melee druids, but also make it appealing for druids to get closer in combat. Which would make it a win-win for everyone involved.

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Sunfire turned into an AOE, Starsurge turned into a weaker medium damage dot extender that has a chance to reset on wrath/starfire casts and no longer on GCD. Boomkin form gives reduced mana costs on spells similar to shadowform and spell hit because druids have none, oh and 6% crit spell aura.

Yea I mean I don’t care, the guy literally used my 85 parse to try and dog me when I didn’t even bring up parsing…yet he did it hiding behind some wrath toon.

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Starsurge applies a buff that increases damage of other (casted) abilities. % increase can be changed to balance dps.


Reduce starsurge damage at the same time.

Balancing this game is incredibly easy. Tired of people saying otherwise.


Eclipse is currently bugged. Starsurge is double dipping into an “old” version of the ability pre-hotfix that gave Starfire 30% crit instead of -1.0 sec cast time. Starsurge is currently ~60% crit rate.

maybe you should learn how to read lmao


Somone suggested giving it a cast time, but wrath reduced the cast.

Could still be instant, but would require hard casting.