It looks like it could be fun but I think I’ve finally hit that hardware wall and I will need to build a new PC to play this (and other new game). Funny enough I built this PC and future proof’d it the best that I could way back in 2010-2011 to prepare it to play Skyrim and it’s held up for over a decade+. It’s only started to hit a real wall in the last few years but I wonder how long I can keep it going until I finally need to build a new rig altogether.
After No-Man’s Sky, Star Citizen, Cyberpunk 2077, Destiny, Warcraft Reforged. I have been ABSOLUTELY Skeptical at the very least of these ambitious triple-A tittles. I’ll believe it being worthy of being purchased or excited for when it’s released and reviewed, by different critics, one’s that I know are not bribed, bought out game reviews like IGN. Until then, I have not the slightest excitement. They might as well show a cinematic trailer like Killzone 2 did.
Yeah, it looks nice in the gameplay reveal, but Cyberpunk 2077 and Warcraft 3 Reforged looked awesome too in their gameplay review.
I never got super into their other titles (Fallout basically), it’s not that I think they’re bad or anything I just like the Elder Scroll setting so much more.
I guess I can always download that new Dagoth Ur Zombie Apoc Morrowind mod to get another Elder Scroll fix.
I like what I like and I have a very limited ‘like’ when it comes to video games. It’s not something I would play so no matter how amazing it looks, eh.
For a game that was registered back in 2013, I found the giant red banner flying when they were using aggressive jump cuts in a gameplay trailer to be extremely alarming.
I’ve been saying in jest that it’s just No Man’s Skyrim for about two years now, but when they showed harvesting the Iron my blood ran cold. The outpost system made my blood run cold. The promise of 100 systems with full explorable planets makes my blood. run. cold.
Because I’m not over Fallout 4 yet. I’m not keen on how the jump-cut heavy gameplay was combat focus, with zero glimpse at the dialogue interface or how dialogue will be implemented (if it will be implemented). I’m not keen on how New Atlantis is the only real town that was showcased - with the brief “fly through” of other inhabited areas feeling like a Goodneighbor style seedy town and a bunch of tiny outposts.
I’m really worried that like Fallout 4, the base building/crafting mechanics are being put in place in lieu of an actual gameplay loop cycle with the few non-player developed settlements being hubs for radiant quests on what have to be procedually generated world spaces (That or the bulk of the planets are the size of small dungeons of Skyrim).
Call me a jaded cynic, but Starfield doesn’t have me excited as much as anxious. Because Starfield is obviously a measurement of how Bethesda’s going to approach Elder Scrolls 6, and I didn’t see much in what they showed us to get super hyped about, when it was all the stuff that fundamentally harmed the experience of Fallout 4/76.
Idk what exactly people dislike about No Man’s Sky (because I haven’t played it) but I wouldn’t mind a typical crafting loop of gathering stuff on a randomly-generated planet too much as long as it had a decent amount of normal RPG stuff to do as well. I liked Fallout 4’s basebuilding fine, but it suffered from not having fun side factions to join like you’d find in Skyrim. Just having Diamond City and nothing else wasn’t quite enough.
I don’t think the building mechanics harm the games exactly, because I do think they’re fun, they just can’t replace everything else. Its sorta like Garrisons were in WoW–fine on their own, got a bad rap because they replaced too many other things.
Also, it is too bad that the combat looks like Fallout 4–just a shooter. I was sort of hoping there’d be some magic analogue like Mass Effect’s biotics to provide some build variety. The skill trees visible are “physical”, “social”, “combat”, “science” and “tech”, so unless “jedi knight” was immediately off-screen no space wizards for me.
I’m excited for this game because I feel like it will be similar to Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen, but with a story. Can’t wait to see more and hopeful it will be good.
Duuuude, yes. I loved Fallout 4, and I actually even really loved the base-building aspect. But I didn’t like that the base-building replaced all the world-building.
oh my god i skipped to a random place hoping to see combat but instead i got the lockpicking minigame WHY IS THERE ALWAYS A LOCKPICKING / HACKING MINIGAME URGH
The real question is does it still run on Gamebryo AKA the Creation Engine. If so, then the trailer is a massive fluff piece and I expect Cyberpunk level of bugginess for months after launch.
Player customization is a nice step forward it seems. A really big improvement upon past Bethesda games and something to appreciate. It seems like it’ll probably be an alright game but my big worry is hearing them talk about having 1000 planets in the presentation. There’s no way to adequately design that many planets and traverse them so it’s going to be a lot of procedural generation of some kind.
Would have been even better had they demonstrated that instead of the jump cut combat section.
Really worried there because what a company chooses to show the public first kind of emphasizes what the company is focused on. Fallout 4 already had some strong Borderlands-esque Looter Shooter vibes. I worry Starfield will be the same.
Not too happy with how it looks. The announcement of 1000 planets immediately turned me off from it. Plus the combat looks incredibly dull and without Fallout 4’s VATS system it’s going to be incredibly janky and frustrating to try to shoot people. But it is Bethesda we’re talking about here. The best you can hope for that it isn’t too buggy when the game launches and mods come out fast enough to fix any major problems.
A mere one year after the first gameplay reveal Bethesda has revealed a second gameplay reveal. Allow me to reveal it in this year old thread
I’m sure I’ll have fun flying around a spaceship in a bethesda sandbox. Idk about the story, the setting looks very dry compared to Fallout’s zany retro-futurism or TES high fantasy, but that’s not the end of the world if I can make a moon base.
Jetpack based gameplay should be fun, I enjoyed that in Mass Effect Andromeda.
I hope my NASA watch can play a radio station so I can listen to Johnny Guitar but in space or something