Starfield - WrA edition, for Wyrmrest Accord

This looks like everything I wanted it to be. I am pumped. I’m going to be a very bad space pirate.

Honestly I just want to play a game where my story is my own. No more rail-roading, no more ‘only one good faction’ nonsense, so that every play-through can feel different and I’m not stuck feeling deja-vu every time I make a new character.

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My interest is piqued. :smirk:

Piqued but I’m not paying more than $30 for it at best.

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Pretty much. 50% off sale or better, I can wait.

Maybe it’s false hopes but I’m certainly feeling better about it now than I was a year ago, the game seems super impressive. If it requires a SSD it’s gonna be no dice from me though I can’t upgrade my PC any time soon and I can’t get an xbox either. It seems good though…

The part that made me laugh was the section of the video where they claimed they cared about the real-life swag associated with the game.

Sunshine, Australia had to sue you into the ground to get you to uphold the bare legal minimum. No, you don’t.

I concurr, what was the point of being friends with the Quarians, Turians and Asari if not for this?

Granted, I refused to romance Liara cause she was pushed as the ‘canon’ LI and I will be damned if a game tries to encourage me to go a specific storyline.

In every fallout game I play the detective/duster coat gunslinger type. And in that trailer I saw that you can do that too.
But in space!
Hella excited.

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Tali was nerd bait. Like specifically written as the perfect little waifu for nerds. I hated her and all of the Quarians, the only one that ever got a pass was Kal’Reegar. The only time Tali was ever in the party was her loyalty missions.

The best love interest is Jack, because like a real relationship, it takes work to win her trust and it changes both Shepard and Jack for the better. But then they made her a male only because ‘oh noes, the Conservative outrage bad PR’ and threw her to the sidelines for ME3.

“but you HAVE heard of me”

Also, back to the main topic; the assets in this game would lend themselves wonderfully to H.R. Geiger’s Alien type roleplay. Most of the ship interiors look like the Nostromo.

Just looked it up and it seems like Bethesda is emphatically against multiplayer even in a setting of 1000 worlds. Let’s hope fans gut the game and give it the GTA Online treatment.

Well just look at what happened with Fallout 76.

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I feel like I’m always playing the good guy, since I’d feel bad about hurting NPC’s feelings. Except in RDR2 because being an outlaw is hilarious.

Fellas, is it alright to be a complete jerk in these RPG games?

Why would you be mean to the star war robot :confused:

Well I’d be nice to the robot because he can say my name which is cool. But maybe I can be mean to the cowboys because lol there ain’t no horses out there ya dingus

A year later, my opinion has not changed.

For a Story Trailer, it showcased remarkably little story. Also “We belong here.”

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! Where else would you belong?!

I just made this thread to have a good time and maybe meme about Todd a bit and I find my alien waifu choices being attacked

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As you should, you filthy space goat. Don’t you have enough alien big booty waifus on your spaceship city already.