Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

Both also have spergs bend over backwards to defend the shoddy quality

Very true, several of the comments in this thread are from those exact type of people

BTW something i find funny is how people trash the hell out of the prequel trilogy but defend the sequel trilogy

Now prequel trilogy wasnt the greatest, but it was still good.

Sequel literally made people hate Star Wars

And ive seen some of the points made by some people about the prequel, jesus… some of them are just so out of touch its unbelievable

One i can remember was how Anakin turning into the dark side came out of nowhere, which is clearly bs since in the previous movies, the 2nd one in particular it was clearly show of what he was capable off when angered, and in the 3rd its show multiple times how desperate he wanted to save Padme and how he was starting to distrust the Jedi Order who so far has mistreated him and got in his way .

And some of them even saying that the plot apparently made no sense, which is again bs, since the if you do pay attention to this movies (Which this people clearly didnt) its become really easy to understand and its consistent


Prequels’ problems were poor script choices, and overuse of cgi; story was coherent and consistent though. ST is the opposite. Good acting and visuals with garbage story full of gaping plot holes that retroactively poop on the originals. Basically a Star Wars skinned Michael bay movie


I wouldn’t mind if a worgen girl kicked me there

sorry one always had iffy stories lines. its hard to write a god as a vulnerable person without making plot holes.

i’m waiting for the spin off “lord of the sith jar jar” series. i mean watch part 1 again and tell me what he did with that droid wasn’t some jedi sh**. then he was the deciding vote that gave the emperor more power? he was just playing the fool!

The prequels, for all their flaws, had a large amount of world building too.


Hmm… and odd how BOTH MMOs were bought out by Activision…. Activision already had some stock in both of them, but they took over completely and then Disney bought Star Wars and cancelled Lucas Arts. Activision used to be super duper good back before they had a change of staff and now they suck and destroy 100% of every company they ever latch onto, ever. That is why Bungee had to finally break away from Activision and call it quits as Activision was forcing them to have highly unrealistic release deadlines and also to have added mico transactions that the majority of the player base did not want. I EARNED the Hyubasa armor in Halo and it took me MONTHS to get the full set to include the helm… and finally sword. now you can just buy the entire thing and not earn it at all…

So yea they don’t care about what we want at all anymore. its all about what the private investors want and it is backfiring on them big time as the vast majority of gamers are getting fed up and are taking their money elsewhere.

Both were wasted by micro transactions to be honest I still have a Star Wars MMO account. I got the game the day it came out and I haven’t played it in years now.

@ Blizzcon before BFA launched:

  • The Crowd: "Oi, is this going to be like MoP SoO storyline all over again!? :angry:"
  • Blizzard: "What? No! Ofcause not, this is going to be a very - Morally grey expansion.
    Promise. :sunglasses: :love_you_gesture: "

{Several Morally Charcoal-Black Events later} “Hmm oi, Blizzard lied to us.”


That’s an excuse.

New generations do not need new movies.

They could watch the original movies. They didn’t delete themselves from the earth.

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That is not a fact and no she is not palpatine’s grand daughter.

Disneywars is hack BS that is like welding a bunch of tin spoilers and racing drag parts onto a classic Cadillac.

There is no episode 7, 8, or 9.

Palpatine died in episode 6.

There is no such character as Rey.

The Skywalker saga ended in 1983 when George Lucas wrote it to, not 2019 when some evil corporation that is money grubbing did.

Wow this is a perfect and concise way to describe the difference between 1,2,3 and 7,8,9

well said.

I’d also add one problem both trilogies had the original trilogy didn’t was the bad guys being scary. To me I can’t decide who is less scary between the separatists and the first order.

Darth Maul and Grievous are both scary.

They are not vader or palpatine scary, but you know you wouldn’t fight either one :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t be so forgiving. The fact that she yoinked a ship straight out of the sky was an unnaturally immense force feat, and she did it with one hand and little fatigue initially.

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Also she ret-conned Anakin’s entire story arc and stole Luke’s destiny.

But, you know. Whatever.

She’s literally the star wars antichrist.

The old films don’t exist.

We just have Lucas’ “improved” versions now.


I take it you never played The Force Unleashed, then.

That is exactly how I feel about Arya at the end of Game of Thrones. It’s one thing to have a bad story, but having a bad story that ruins a good story? That’s just criminal.

You don’t have to worry much.

The only good thing about the new star wars movies is that they will not stand the test of time.

It is what it is.

People in film school and art school and such will be studying episodes 1-6, but disneywars will die a swift death.

You’ll see.

In the fullness of time, it will be recognized and then canonized that only the things George Lucas made are really the story, with all else being peripheral fan fiction.


You may not use things Disney has declared are non-existent to support the things Disney does, brey.