Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

Thats giving bfa too much credit. Mop was actually good story wise. Bfa cant decide whether to do its own thing or rip off old expacs and do it all poorly because of it.


That was a quote that was twisted around tons of times. You can find versions of what was actually said.

If someone is upset over what the actress supports, they might as well not watch any MCU movies or star wars lmao. If that was a valid argument, those people would probably hate to find out what Mark Hamill supports.

More than what the actor or actress supports it has more to do with that overlapping with the movie, which is what happened with Captain Marvel.

She was pushing her agenda and using the movie to do so.

Theres also the fact that her acting wasnt the greatest.

Her acting was terrible, if you ask me. Up until that movie, I really enjoyed all the MCU movies. Some are definitely miles and miles above and beyond the other MCU movies (The Winter Solider), but the others were still entertaining. I wanted so badly for Captain Marvel to be a good movie, but it was so underwhelming and her acting was so stale. The writing was bad. The actress didn’t seem like she cared about her character or the franchise at all. I didn’t even bother buying the movie, and I have all of the other ones (I’ve stopped with Endgame though).

It’s really not the fact that Captain Marvel is female or strong. She’s poorly written. I love pretty much all of the other females in the MCU — even Pepper Potts for putting up with Tony. I’m cautiously optimistic for the Black Widow movie (which I have been begging for) only because it doesn’t seem that interesting (and I was hoping for something that showed what happened in Budapest). Black Widow is my favorite female in the MCU. So yeah, female has nothing to do with Captain Marvel being a flop. The movie just road the coattails of TEN YEARS of Marvel movies.

Marvel has been pretty spot in with all of their casting except Brie Larson. She was 100% a miscast. As was Natalie Portman.

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It was pretty much this, unlike the others actors it seems like she wasnt really into the character or putting her best

A great example is Tony Stark, the actor just bonded with the character so well and its almost impossible to think about one without the other

Thats not the case for Larson where her acting was just forgettable, she has to grow more into her character, which she will have another opportunity in the sequel

Let’s hope she does. But all I see from her is her pushing to use the movies as a political platform. No one needs an all female superhero movie. I agree 100% that RDJ is Tony Stark, and I think a lot of what makes the movies so great is how much the actors love their characters. Like ALL of the actors.

I saw a Comic Con vid on YouTube where Tom Hiddleston showed up as Loki and you could see how much of a blast he was having, and the crowd was just going crazy. It’s hilarious and so much fun to watch. I laugh every time I watch it. Here it is if you want to see it:

The mess was created due to George Lucas leaving the studio a note saying to have Luke go into Exile(which they defaulted to when they became afraid of Luke overshadowing the characters) so naturally all the Franchise’s problems can be thrown at his feet.

If George Lucas hadn’t left that note the Sequel Trilogy would have been stable though JJ Abrams would have been scrambling to find a Plot Device that Kylo Ren is chasing after.

That’s because Brei Larson cares about pushing an agenda rather than getting into a character.

Thank God for Gal Gadot, atleast we have a female superhero who loves her role.

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Didnt he also said that he didnt wanted to make a sequel trilogy or something?

Anyway this sequel was a mess from the start

They should do a new one and say the old one is cancelled and no longer canon

Or they could just not consider it canon

Besides theres no continuation planned to it so its not like it can be cancelled went theres nothing ahead

that’s exactly what I said, then they make a new 7,8,9 based off thrawn or something

Have you ever worked in one of those million/billion dollar companies? I have - in leadership. Top rating Fortune 21. I have watched the golden children make decisions while ignoring people with experience and seen companies lose massive amounts of money. Position or education may give power but it doesn’t guarantee results. Many times it guarantees failure due to egos.

The people who make decisions usually have as little as a clue as many of these posters.

Unless you have very passionate SW universe writers who respect the franchise and established lore/characters, they’ll probably screw it all up again. Let’s just make the sequels not canon and call it a day.

this is so true if only more understood this

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Hi everyone you are allowed to talk about Star Wars now as I’ve seen it.

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What did you think about it?

There’s another trilogy in 3 years I thought

I mean that theres no continuation to Mary Sue’s story

I dont know much about this new trilogy, but im pretty sure that it was gonna be its own thing

Well the one good part was for a brief moment I thought the bad guys were actually going to win, so they did that well.

But I do confess, by the end I was thinking, okay now that we’ve got original Star Wars trilogy 2.0 out the way, if they ever do episode 10 can we have a New Republic story, where Jedi are just fighting against crime bosses and dealing with petty squabbles, which is what I originally hoped for in Episode 7, that’s what I wanted, not New Hope 2.0.

Sad thing though due to the bad reviews Solo story got, I am not holding my breath for something decent, but I guess for me the whole idea of an evil Empire conquering territory blowing up planets, that’s just been done over and over now.

Also, this is a controversial point…look, back in the days of Xena Warrior Princess, Buffy the Vampire slayer and that era, that was the time for feminist fan fiction, as one could argue back then that girl empowerment was needed, but these days it’s just the wrong time in history for feminist fanfiction, to me the reality is when I look at those promoting social justice causes, it’s no longer about lifting people up, it’s about attacking their opponents, I mean did you say that girl in the UK saying she wants to be a doctor but in the same breath wishing Boris Johnson a horrible death, sorry but this is where my compassion for the sjw type ends, the reality is that too many people have formed their own cliques that have left them out of touch with the rest of the western world around them, that’s fine to hang out with people that think like you do, but it’s a problem when it leaves you out of touch with the rest of the people and their concerns, this is of course just my opinion.

On a less controversial point, if I was to judge the movie on its own merit, putting all cultural considerations aside and seeing the movie as something purely on its own and outside of time, then yeah it wasn’t too bad really, though I think Kylo Ren’s last minute redemption story and sacrificing his life to save Rei look that had echoes of Return of the Jedi.

But I confess, that due to my age, I am not sure how I feel about this point, of seeing history repeat itself, I think as you get older you start to realize that perhaps there truly is nothing new under the sun really.